- test activation ma compte
- 之前的飞思卡尔程序,摄像头ov7725,车模B车,10届左右的吧。。(Before the flying Carle program, the camera ov7725, the model B car, about 10.)
- test activation ma compte ssssss
- 11届的光电程序,这个程序是把不慢队的和某学校的融合,具体自己看吧。(The 11 Session of the photoelectric program, this program is the integration of the slow team and a school, to see the concrete.)
- 这个是参考程序,具体自己看吧- -好久了我也忘了是啥了。(This is a reference. Look at it yourself - for a long time, I forgot what it was)
- 实现栈的进站和输出查找操作:查找值为x的元素在单链表中出现的位置(是链表中的第几个元素); 4)压栈和弹栈操作; 5)出队和入队操作(顺序存储)(Carrying and output of the stack)
- DOOLITTLE分解的程序,是一个实用的小程序。希望能够帮助到大家(DOOLITTLE Decomposed program)
- 前两段是开机自启动,后面的代码是打开窗口和网站(The first two sections are starting from boot, and the following code is the open window and the web site)
basic module1
- kea128 ad转换,基于kea128 的ad转换源代码(Kea128 AD conversion)
basic module2
- kea128 io口 基于kea128的io口配置源代码(Kea128 IO port configuration source code based on the IO port of kea128)
basic module3
- kea128 kbi 基于kea128的kbi开发源代码 竞赛相关(Kea128 KBI is based on the kea128 based KBI development of source code competition)
- 可以计算出时间与使用者的年龄,除此之外就没有了(You can calculate the age of the time and the user, and there is no other than that)