- 用于统计excel表中的数据 支持数据的导入和到处,目前只支持excel不支持数据库文件(used to statistics in excel)
- 游戏点数加点器,可设置后 鼠标正常使用,简易,好用,方便。关键是免费的。(The game points a little more, can set the mouse normal use, easy, easy to use, convenient. The key is free.)
- 网络游戏,SF 等等,可以变速网络游戏的变速齿轮。很经典。很耐用。关键是免费的。(Network game, SF and so on, can change the speed change of the game change gear. Very classic. Very durable. The key is free.)
- 沙盘, 大多数魔力宝贝SF都有限制多开,但是此沙盘可破解,并带有自动更新提示。免费版。(The sand table, most of the magic baby SF has restrictions on the open, but this sand disk can be cracked, with automatic update tips. The free version.)
- 久久贴吧小工具,批量操作更方便,让你有不一样的发帖回帖体验,如有需要请下载了解(For a long time paste it gadgets, batch operation more convenient, so you have a different post Replies experience, if necessary, please download to understand)
- 百度网盘下载助手,安装后可以在百度网盘网页界面通过迅雷等下载工具下载.(Baidu SkyDrive download assistant, after installation, can be downloaded on the Baidu SkyDrive web interface through thunderbolt and other downloading tools.)
- 魔力宝贝,窗口同步器,多开魔力,一个个去点击任务时很麻烦,用这个软件 可以同时操作多个窗口。(Magic treasure, the window synchronizer, the magic, one by one to click on the task is cumbersome, using this software can operate multiple Windows simultaneously.)
- leetcode是一个算法平台,这次分享的是其中的几个算法,所有的实现都是通过javascr ipt(Leetcode is an algorithm platform, this time to share several of the algorithms, all of the implementations are through the Javascr ipt)
- good code for multirotor
- 判定有向图是否存在回路 输入约定 第一行为图中顶点的个数n; 第二行为途中弧度条数e; 第二行为顶点信息;接着e行为e条弧依附的两个顶点。(Determine whether there is a loop in a directed graph Input Convention The number of the vertices in the first behavior graph is n; second the number of radians in the way of
- TLV编码与解码 TLV是tag, length和value的缩写.一个基本的数据元就包括上面三个域. Tag唯一标识该数据元, length是value域的长度. Value就是数据本身了. 举个例子, 下面是一个tlv格式的AID(应用标识符)字节串”9F0607A0000000031010”, 其中9F06是tag, 07是长度, A0000000031010就是AID本身的值了. 对于程序编写人员来说,我们关心的是,如果有类似上面这样的一串TLV编码的字节串从卡片传过来, 怎么样
- 分治法实现01背包问题,输入为即将放入背包的物品的重量和对应价值的数组,输出为放置物品的最优方案(Realization of 01 knapsack problem by divide and conquer method)