- 电视盒子的遥控代码,可以用作开发等用途,仅供参考。(s/m2ts/mts/tp/wmv/Ifo/iso/vob/dat/avi/mpg/mp4/mov/divx/xvid/RM/RMVB/flv)
- CSE课程lab,用于练习,提升对计算机系统的认识(labs for CSE excercises)
- 创建一个文本地图,通过创建文本框架,鼠标结构,达到一个临时的文本地图(Create a text map that creates a text map by creating a text frame, the mouse structure, and a temporary text map)
- 基于51单片机的光立方设计毕业设计(图文)(Design of optical cubic design based on 51 single chip microcomputer (Graphic))
lua 5.2.3 win编译器 解析器 动态和静态库
- 是一款Lua的windows的库文件,缺少的时候,可以直接放入进去(Is a Lua windows library file, the lack of time, can be directly put in)
- OFDM系统中以PN序列作为循环前缀和传统梳状导频信道估计方法对比()
- avr单片机实现二代身份证UID与IC卡读取程序,串口输出,应用于实际门禁产品中的源代码。(AVR MCU realizes the two generation ID card UID and IC card read program, serial port output, applied to the source code of the actual entrance guard product.)
WVS 顶级网站扫描工具 V 1.24.121 最新版下载
- 可以扫面网站漏洞,在weeb安全检测方面有很实用的意义(Scavenging web site vulnerability)
- Approximation of discrete cosine transform (DCT) is useful for reducing its computational complexity without sig- nificant impact on its coding performance. Most of the existing algorithms for approximation of the DCT target only the DCT of small
- An approximate kernel for the discrete cosine transform (DCT) of length 4 is derived from the 4-point DCT defined by the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard and used for the computation of DCT and inverse DCT (IDCT) of power-of-two lengt
- This work analyses the actual throughput of the Discrete Sine Transform (DST) stage in a realistic HEVC encoder, which executes the rate-distortion optimization algorithm to achieve high compression quality. Then, a low complexity DST factorizati
- In this paper, we show a class of relationships which link Discrete Cosine Transforms (DCT) and Discrete Sine Transforms (DST) of types V, VI, VII and VIII, which have been recently considered for inclusion in the future video coding technology.