stm8Prj 2016.04.11
- STM8程序模板,各个模块都是经过调试通过的,对初学者很有帮助,最开发者也可以直接拿来用。(STM8 program template, each module is passed through the debugging, is very helpful for the beginners, the most developer can also use it directly.)
- 该模板、插件和素材资源仅供大家研究学习,切勿由于任何商业用途,请尊重作者购买正版(The template, plug-in and material resources are only for study and study, not for any commercial use, please respect the author to buy a positive edition.)
- 使用python编写的打飞碟游戏 运行ship.py文件即可开始(this is a game written by python ,run the file 'ship.py' ,then you can start the game)
- STlink 驱动+固件 兼容性好不丢固件。(STlink driver + firmware compatibility does not lose firmware.)
- JAVA语言设计的电子相册管理程序 能够实现基本的功能(An electronic album management program designed by JAVA language)
学宪法懂宪法座谈会 - 副本
- matlab 程序 实现对文字的识别,对字母f做了验证了(The matlab program implements the recognition of the text and validates the letter F.)
学宪法懂宪法座谈会 - 副本
- ITU规范g.703。E1接口物理特性规范。好(ITU specification G.703. E1 interface physical specification specification. good)
学宪法懂宪法座谈会 - 副本
- 现色彩空间转换R’g’B’ to Y’CbCr的VHDL源代码。啊(The current color space is converted to the VHDL source code of R 'g' B 'to Y' CbCr.a)
学宪法懂宪法座谈会 - 副本
- 一些相关文档,可能对HDLC设计有很大的帮助(Some related documents can help HDLC design very much)
- 42bis数据压缩算法,一种基于自适应字典的通用无损压缩算法。特别好(42bis data compression algorithm, a general lossless compression algorithm based on adaptive dictionary. Especially good)
学宪法懂宪法座谈会 - 副本
- 这是一个g代码格式说明,对数控程序的编程有一定帮助(This is a G code format, which is helpful to the programming of a NC program)
学宪法懂宪法座谈会 - 副本
- Dmard06-07-08驱动源码及 g-Sensor模组自动检测驱动相关文档(Dmard06-07-08 driver source and g-Sensor module automatically detect driver related documents)