- hslogic,基于FPGA的SAD算法的仿真与实现(Hslogic, simulation and implementation of SAD algorithm based on FPGA)
- 可编译4.0的webkit,用vs2012+以上编译(webkit,,.net framework4.0+,vis2012+)
- hslogic,基于MATLAB的GPS信号的仿真与实现(Hslogic, simulation and implementation of GPS signal based on MATLAB)
- windows下调试内核态和用户态代码,新手或老手都适用(Windows debug kernel state and user state code)
- .net_C#_三层架构实例源码-2723812263 网络搜集整理 不保证质量 希望对大家有有所帮助(.net_C#_ three layer architecture instance source code -2723812263 Network collation does not guarantee the quality of hope for all of the help)
- .net餐饮系统源码-2723812263 网络搜集整理 不保证质量 希望对大家有有所帮助(.net food and beverage system source code -2723812263 Network collation does not guarantee the quality of hope for all of the help)
01 LED闪烁
- LED循环闪烁,用的是HY开发的板子,网上资料比较难找(Setup the microcontroller system. Initialize the Embedded Flash Interface, initialize the PLL and update the SystemFrequency variable)
MPU6050 亲测可用
- keil MPU 实现姿态解算算法的源代码,亲测可用~~~~(keil MPU pose_estimation)
- 3次样条插值的c++代码实现,包括原理说明,代码实现等(C++ code implementation of 3 spline interpolation)
- steamcommunity_302_V2
IBIS params
- the parameter files of IBIS model
- 6455 初始化脚本编写,可以当做参考使用,也可直接使用(6455 initialization scr ipt writing, can be used as a reference, can also be used directly)