- PowerDesigner 的常用报告样板,包括图,数据表的统计,表结构(字段名称,描述,类型,是否为空)(PowerDesigner's common report templates, including graphs, statistics of data tables, table structures (field names, descr iptions, types, or whether empty))
- 是MATLAB写的一个雷达定位的仿真程序,带gui界面的,非常的好,界面友好,很适合大家拿来学习,特别是想要学习MATLAB中gui编程的人们。(It's a simulation program for radar positioning written by MATLAB. It has GUI interface. It's very good, and the interface is friendly. It's very suitable for everyone to learn,
0 0730LED点阵多功能数字时钟V2.1版 20140314
- 0 0730LED点阵多功能数字时钟V2.1版 20140314(0 0730LED dot matrix multifunction digital clock V2.1 version 20140314)
E4A wifi智能插座DIY20151020
- E4A for 安卓VB代码, 智能插座硬件开发(E4A for Android VB Code)
- E4A版本SMARTLINK 很不错的(E4A for SMARTLINK in asdfaasdfaasdf)
- 将训练样本的约简结果用测试样本来验证,通过每条记录来对比得到相应的正确率,并输出验证所花的时间,注意约简结果必须以result.txt命名,测试样本以test.txt命名。(与verify1得到结果一样,只是程序当中稍稍有所改动)(The reduction results of the training sample are verified by the test sample, and the corresponding correct rate is obtained by each r
[SimBale] - Driver USB Joystick Gamepad
- For gamepad usb driver
- 小波变换(wavelet transform,WT)是一种新的变换分析方法,它继承和发展了短时傅立叶变换局部化的思想,同时又克服了窗口大小不随频率变化等缺点,能够提供一个随频率改变的“时间-频率”窗口(Wavelet transform (WT) is a new method of transform analysis. It inherits and develops the idea of short time Fu Liye transform localization. At the
- aide倒计时,一个简单的aide倒计时源码,无聊写的,大家可以参考一下!!!(The software is goodYou deserve it That is great)
- 计算永磁同步电主轴开槽之后气隙相对磁导率(Calculation of relative permeability of air gap)
- 微软文字转语音代码,可以实现使用本地引擎将文字转为语音(Microsoft text to voice code, you can use the local engine to convert text to speech.)
- A-Dlink ETX工控机使用手册,含BSP代码(A-Dlink ETX IPC user datasheet ,and Board Support Package(BSP) code.)