- 启发式算法、优化算法和随机三种情况下的仿真对比。(Heuristic algorithm, optimization algorithm and simulation comparison in random three cases.)
- 3D点云重建 3D点云重建Berkeley SfM is a structure from motion library created to explore new solutions to challenging 3D reconstruction problems (large scale, indoors, incremental, homogeneously textured, etc.). It is developed by(Structrue From Motion for
- 关于模态参数的频域识别方法,文件夹中包括13个源程序(Frequency domain identification method for modal parameters, the folder contains 13 source programs.)
- 关于模态参数的时域识别方法,文件夹中包括6个源程序(For modal parameter identification in time domain, the folder contains 6 source programs.)
- 根据齿面方程方程求解齿面点坐标时,初始点的选择是至关重要的,给出了利用牛顿迭代法求初始点的方法(According to the equation of tooth surface, the selection of initial points is very important when solving the coordinates of tooth face points. The method of finding initial points by Newton iteration
New RINEX Converter
- Convert from raw data to rinex
- 用于计算光纤中的受激布里渊散射效应,计算斯托克斯光的功率SBS(Calculation of SBS in optical fiber)
LBL-TDOA-beacon positioning error simulation
- 采用双曲线交汇进行长基线定位,误差源为信标偏移误差的仿真图(The two - curve intersection is used to locate the long baseline and the error source is the simulation diagram of the beacon deviation error.)
LBL-TDOA-distance measuring error simulation
- 采用双曲线交汇进行长基线定位,误差源为测距误差的仿真图(the long baseline positioning is carried out by the double curve intersection, and the error source is the simulation diagram of ranging error.)
LBL-TDOA-Target movement error simulation
- 采用双曲线交汇进行长基线定位,误差源为目标移动误差的仿真图(the two curves are used to locate the long baseline and the error source is the simulation diagram of the target movement error.)
LBL-TDOA-time measuring error simulation
- 采用双曲线交汇进行长基线定位,误差源为测时误差的仿真图(the long baseline positioning is carried out by the double curve intersection, and the error source is the simulation diagram of the time error.)
- 图像和视频抠图(Matting)技术可以分成自动和半自动;根据背景的先验知识,又有蓝屏背景,已知背景,和自然背景扣图。报告介绍了自然背景下的半自动扣图,以及能获得类似结果的技术,如Snapping。其中我实现了Bayesian Matting。(generate trimap automaticly,reduce human work.)