- 遗传粒子群算法的程序代码,希望能帮助到你!(Genetic particle swarm optimization algorithm code, I hope to help you!)
- 枫叶站群蜘蛛池程序,价值600,喜欢的朋友都可以来下载啊(Maple Leaf station group spider pool program)
c 版坦克大战源码,_爱给网_aigei_com
- 坦克大战游戏源码,原版代码还原经典游戏。。。。。。。。。。。。。(Tank war game source code, the original code to restore the classic game)
Blank Plugin
- blank plugin for mach3
- 在LabVIEW上进行编程,使用滤波器组对其进行消噪,得到理想信号(The program is programmed on LabVIEW, and the filter is used to de-noising the signal and get the ideal signal.)
- Blank Movement Plugin for Mach3
Galil PlugIn
- Galil plugin for mach3
新建文件夹 (3)
- 主要是建立考虑温度场与立场耦合下的直齿轮动力学模型。通过龙格库塔法求解,得出一系列的动态特性。(The dynamic model of spur gear is mainly established considering the coupling of temperature field and position. A series of dynamic characteristics are obtained by using the runge-kutta method.)
- 基于集中参数法,建立了包含齿侧间隙的直齿轮传动系统的动力学方程,通过龙格库塔法进行求解(Based on the method of concentrated parameters, the dynamic equation of the spur gear drive system with the side clearance of the tooth is established)
- 本程序利用功率谱反演相位屏方法实现大气湍流数值模拟。(This program achieves atmospheric turbulence numerical simulation by using the spectrum inversion phase screen method.)
echarts 地图,省市及主要城市
- 用于echarts在绘制中国及各级地市地图的数据(This is geo data for chinese)
- 基于matlab的四用户扩频单径信道仿真(4 user spread spectrum single-path channel simulation)