- 采用ege库写的简单画板的菜单,可以实现中间的切换,大一开学的小作业(Menu of simple Sketchpad written by ege Library)
- 经纬度转ECEF坐标公式 高精度 非迭代(The formula of latitude and longitude to ECEF coordinate)
material studio 中文版帮助手册
- MS帮助手册,帮助大家了解如何使用程序并模拟相关内容(MS help manual to help you understand how to use the program and simulate relevant content)
matlab gui多标签编程
- matlab的GUI编程,可以实现多标签页面的界面编程(The GUI programming of Matlab can realize the interface programming of multi label page.)
- 通过这本书的pdf可以深入了解图像处理相关原理及其方法(Through the PDF of this book, we can have a deep understanding of the principles and methods of image processing)
- ok金山播放器类库,OK Jinshan player library(OK Jinshan player library)
- 人 工 蜂 群 算 法 解 决 TSP 问 题,最 优 解。(Solve TSP problem, optimal solution.)
- 千年辅助挂机打怪下本 破解版 不咋会用 大家试试(Thousand year's assistant hangs up the computer to make a strange attack. It's not a good idea to use this cracked version)
DSCP Delphi Component
- Delphi System Programming Component Component descr iption and manual. (DATABASE CONNECTION) Add to Delphi Source. Install new Component. Fetch from a certain location on the computer. All Delphi Components. Restart the PC and add the componen
- STM32F030的I2C使用与 RGB Color Sensor CLS-16D17-34-DF6 通讯读取数据功能。(Stm32f030 I2C and color RGB color sensor cls-16d17-34-df6)
pdfcreator sample
- pdfcreator相关的sample,仅供参考学习,谢谢
- 包装机程序,三伺服枕式包装机,一分钟200包。(Packaging machine program, three servo pillow packaging machine, 200 packages per minute.)