Food Management
- Realizes functions such as addition, deletion, modification, and information inquiry of foods in the food management system
- 经典的apriori算法,用于挖掘数据中最大频繁项集和生成关联规则(The classic Apriori algorithm is used to mine the largest frequent itemsets and generate association rules in data.)
- 提取QQ群好友,然后一键自动添加QQ好友(Extract QQ group friends, then add QQ friends to one key automatically.)
- 俗称1kb,ganranU盘,使其所有文件被隐藏为系统文件。仅供学习,请勿传播!(Commonly known as 1KB, infected with U disk, so that all its files are hidden as system files. Only for learning, do not spread!)
- 显示百度图片,可以翻页,百度图片没有了翻页功能,使用此软件更便于查看(Show Baidu pictures, you can turn over pages, Baidu pictures do not have the ability to turn pages, use this software more easy to view)
- 语言未知,功能不明,建议在虚拟机中运行!仅供学习,请勿转播!(The language is unknown and the function is unknown. It is recommended to run in the virtual machine. Only for learning, do not broadcast!)
- 自制,安全,密码123456,可以发送给朋友,但其中有一个未知病毒,请只发送hike1.0(The language is unknown and the function is unknown. It is recommended to run in the virtual machine. Only for learning, do not broadcast!)
- 慎重!该病毒无法删除(任何方式)!仅供研究!建议在Linux系统中打开(The language is unknown and the function is unknown. It is recommended to run in the virtual machine. Only for learning, do not broadcast!)
- cC语言是一门通用计算机编程语言,应用广泛。C语言的设计目标是提供一种能以简易的方式编译、处理低级存储器、产生少量的机器码以及不需要任何运行环境支持便能运行的编程语言。(C language is a general computer programming language, which is widely used. The design goal of the C language is to provide a programming language that can be compi
- 上传5个高质量的源码或编程资料才能开通您的帐号)(付代码(cod ed sqda scasd saxz x sass sas sadasd sa a s d w q q q df f g r)
- ATP-DRAW,使Emtp的输入操作得到简化(simplifeid the operaion of EMTP)
- 一个C文件 /* 引脚链接用的串口3 VCC--+5V GND--GND BUSY--PD2 RXD--PB10 TXD--PB11 喇叭按电路图正负接 */(a C file / * pin link serial port 3 VCC--+5V GND--GND BUSY--PD2 RXD--PB10 TXD--PB11 The horn is connected to the circuit diagram)