Leitura de Peso Balança
- Programa em delphi 7 com banco de dadod firebird 2.0 na qual faz leitura do peso da balança e gera etiqueta para imprimir na impressora zebra em quickeport além de cadastrar produtos para exibir na etiqueta.
- 汇编语言的ppt,有兴趣可观看,非诚勿扰(Assembly language ppt, interesting to watch, if you are the one)
- 无人机模型建模仿真,可通过此仿真模型实现,四旋翼无人机的模型建立(Modeling and Simulation of UAV model can be realized by this simulation model, and the model of Four-rotor UAV can be established.)
- UEFI patch to mod bios
- 可修改LENOVO BIOS 各项参数(Various parameters of LENOVO BIOS can be modified)
- simenst plc FB58 autotune pid come from 300PLC library function ,SCL source code and C sourec code and PDF document
- 近年来,基于Eckhorn的猫视觉皮层模型的脉冲耦合神经网络(Pulse Coupled Neural Net,PCNN),已被广泛用于图像平滑、分割以及边缘检测等图像处理领域的研究中,并显示了其优越性。(Pulse Coupled Neural Net,PCNN)
- 用于都Rinex文件的读取,适合初学者多导航电文格式的理解(Used for reading all Rinex files, suitable for beginners to understand multi-navigation message format)
- AD7490驱动代码,verilog,采集电压是0~5v的电压采集,总共有十二个通道,每个通道轮训输出,欢迎采用该代码,谢谢,(AD7490 driver code, verilog, the acquisition voltage is 0 ~ 5V voltage acquisition, a total of twelve channels, each channel output, welcome to use the code, thank you.)
- Use this Netflix Cracker to crack Netflix accounts. Instructions: Open the netflix craker.exe application (run as administor). It will pop up a browser just exit that. Click load combolist to load your combolist. Click start to begin cracking. Click
opc client-uav2.2
- 此代码为西门子OPC-UA服务器,opc-ua-client数据采集案例,喜欢的欢迎下载。(This code is Siemens OPC-UA server, opc-ua-client data acquisition case, like welcome to download)
- HC26.12.620-Myriad2-Eye-Moloney-Movidius-provided