- 创建窗体时实现关键字扫红,从而达到标记的目的-Create a form to achieve keyword sweep of red, so as to achieve the purpose of marking
- enjoy the online registration module websirte
- 用VC6.0实现表格功能,该表格功能强大,可以随意删除添加一行或者一列,实现了数据的系统记录和现实。-Functions with VC6.0 to achieve form, the form a powerful, free to add a line or remove a column of data systems to achieve the record and reality.
- 快速排序 TStrings,可用在TComboBox,TMemo,TRichEdit-Sort TStrings
- 实现了CRichEdit可以加载显示文本文件,*.bmp文件,wmv文件以及PPT文件等功能,编译通过,并附有生成的.exe文件-Achieve CRichEdit display text files can be loaded,*. bmp file, wmv files, and PPT files and other functions, compile, along with the generated. Exe files
- While MFC does provide a rich edit control, it does not provide a quick and easy way to handle formatting and RTF codes. CAutoRichEditCtrl is a derivative of CRichEditCtrl. This new class adds several functions that allow you to add formatting quickl
- RichEdit控件,不错的东西,大家可以下载试用!-RichEdit control, good things, you can download the trial!
- 由于在一个窗口内可以使用多个菜单,因此GLUT通过为菜单提供一个整数标识符的方式实现多窗口的管理。这个整数标识符是在菜单创建时由系统从1开始顺序分配的,通常可以用下面的语句获得这个标识符:-Since a window can use more than one menu, so GLUT by an integer identifier for the menu offers a way to achieve multi-window management. The integer ident
- editrich 使用方式,方便用户更加实际的了解richedit 2.0的使用方法个各种类的调用-editrich use, user-friendly and more practical understanding of richedit 2.0 to use a variety of types of calls
- windowless richedit show how to use richedit20
- The edit-views are easy to use, but lacks some basic functionality. This sample demonstrates a few CEditView and CRichEditView enhancements: - Plain text in CRichEditView - CFontDialog (enhanced) - Unicode
- richedit控件,扩展的接口,很不错,实现了基本上所有的功能。大家可以放心下载。-richedit control, expansion port, very good, to achieve virtually all of the features. We can be assured to download.