- 判断窗体的状态,是模式窗体还是非模式窗体,原来是帮一个人写的,也不知道是否准确,请大家帮忙鉴定,还有没有好的方法呢。-Determine the form of the state, is modal or non-modal form, was originally written to help a person, do not know whether it is accurate, please help us to identify, there is no good way to d
- 一个VC++和windows API结合写成的窗口源代码,很实用哦-A combination VC++ and windows API source code written in a window, it is practical Oh
- 能实现ping功能的应用程序,在wince6.0下,经测试已经成功,不信拉倒-Ping function enables an application in wince6.0 under, has been successfully tested, do not believe or leave
- 用VC2008编写的非模态话对话框,图文并茂外加源代码,相信很多小白都会学会-VC2008 prepared using a non-modal dialog words, illustrations plus source code, I believe a lot of white will learn
- 界面上的各个控件可随鼠标进行移动,使用者可根据个人喜好,调整窗口局-Various controls on the interface can be moved with the mouse, the user can according to personal preferences, adjust the window Bureau
- 将对话框设置成透明背景,直接穿透对话框点击-The dialog box is set to transparent background, click directly through dialog
- C# winform的最基础的状态栏图标显示思路 让winform窗体在最小化状态 在任务栏显示图标,双击时再弹出,并且解决多数源码的最小化到任务栏扔能用alt+tab的缺憾,并且程序源码内使用的控件和变量都为中文名,便于理解和学习.-C# winform the most basic idea of the status bar icon shows let winform form in a minimized state display an icon in
- C# winform 制作右下角弹窗效果,实现一般软件可能需要的通知效果.通过中文命名的方式定义变量和控件,以便更好的理解项目思路.-C# winform popups effect making the lower right corner, the software may be required to achieve the general effect of the notification by Chinese named define variables and controls i
- 完成成绩统计和条形图的绘制,并进行相关信息的统计,还有文件的操作-Complete results of the drawing statistics and bar charts
- VB高仿迅雷3D提示框,丢掉传统的提示界面吧-High imitation VB Thunder 3D prompt box, throw it traditional prompt interface
- 这是一个非常全面的mfc写的五子棋,它具有人机对战,人人对战,电脑分几个等级,有悔棋功能,有计量你的胜败的情况-This is a very comprehensive mfc write backgammon, it has a man-machine war, all Battle, computers in several grades, there undo function, measured at the victory of your situation. . .
- 这是一个类似windows的画图板,他实现了各种图形的绘画,可以对所画的图形进行放大和缩小,填充各种颜色,保存所画的图形。-This is a similar windows on the drawing board, he achieved a variety of graphics painting, the painting graphics can zoom in and out, filled with a variety of colors, save the painting gr