- effrc 是误差函数。 在计算二阶微分方程的时候会用到。-effrc of error function. In calculating the second order differential equations are used.
- 这是个运动会记分程序,不知道大家感兴趣不,不过我觉得是我自己写的-Games Points procedures, we do not know is not interested, but I think I wrote it myself
- JILRuntime A general purpose, register based virtual machine (VM) that supports object-oriented features, reference counting (auto destruction of data as soon as it is no longer used, no garbage collection), exceptions (handled in C/C++ or virtual ma
- The JILRunOnly project is a simple command-line application written in ANSI-C that is intended to demonstrate in detail, how the JILRuntime/Jewelscr ipt library can be embedded into an application.
- a collection of M-files to study concepts in the following areas of Fuzzy-Set-Theory: Fuzzy or Multivalued Logic, The Calculus of Fuzzy, Quantities, Approximate Reasoning, Possibility Theory, Fuzzy Control, Neuro-Fuzzy Systems.
- FISMAT accommodates different arithmetic operators, fuzzification and defuzzification algorithm, implication relations, and different method of approximate reasoning such as Compositional Rule of Inference (CRI) and Approximate Analogical Reasoning S
- NTL is a high-performance, portable C++ library providing data structures and algorithms for manipulating signed, arbitrary length integers, and for vectors, matrices, and polynomials over the integers and over finite fields.
- 有很多列子廷有用的 第1章 窗体、界面与控件 第2章 多媒体与图形 第3章 数据库技术 第4章 文件与系统 第5章 网络与Internet-Liezi-ting a lot of useful forms a chapter, and the control interface Chapter 2 multimedia and graphics database Chapter 3 Chapter 4 technical documents and Chapter 5 of system net
- 打开一个bmp影像,然后对图形进行3*3,5*5,7*7,9*9四种模板的滤波处理。-opened a bmp image, and then for three graphics * * 3,5 7,9 5,7 * * 9 four template filter.
- Engineer系统是降低服务器负载,减少企业运营成本的完美解决方案。通过动态批量生成静态页面,可使企业在对外发布服务器选择上,缩减对硬件的投资,并同时降低企业的互联网接入费用。-Engineer system is to reduce server load, reduce the cost of enterprise operations the perfect solution. Dynamic volume generated by static pages, allows compan
- MIX的模拟器: MIX是《计算机程序设计艺术》(TAOCP)的作者高德纳(Donald.E.Knuth)在TAOCP中描述算法时使用的一种假想的机器,所以书中的汇编代码无法在任何一个机器上运行,附件中的程序可以让以MIXAL汇编语言写成的算法在Windows平台上汇编并且可以单步跟踪运行。详细情况参看其中的MIXBuilder.doc文件。 -MIX simulator : MIX "Art of Computer Programming" (TAOCP), the aut
- .修改kspublib.jar文件中DBConfig.xml,将数据库配置为自己的数据库。 2.将optiontree.jar,kspublib.jar(需要xml解析器xerces.jar)拷贝到应用的web-inf/lib目录下