著名的*程序BO 2000 原代码
- 很有名的一个*,大家不要乱用,千万不要用来攻击我啊-It a famous Trojan house program.Don t misuse and don t use it to attack me!!Haw-haw!
- 网游奇迹的战士配点算法软件,是当初游戏时自己编写来玩的,采用VC编写,界面简单使用方便!-an arithmetic software on the network game \"Mu\".it was used to enjoy myself in the first. it was writen by Vc ,and was designed very convenient to use .
- pcb布线-PCB wiring
- 深入浅出ShellExecute -Explain the profound things of Shell Execute.
- 一个条形码生成程序,可以生成 CODE128,CODE39,EAN13,EAN8等类型的条形码. 无需其他控件,演示程序支持预览和复制到剪切板等功能.-a generating programm of bar code ,it can generate CODE128,CODE39,EAN13,EAN8 and so on.it need none other components,and can showing programm regists preview and copy to clip
- 计算机图形学的上机:bresenham画线算法,bresenham画圆,拾取算法,种子填充算法-computer graphics programs: bresenham drawing line algorithm,bresenham circle algorithm,etc.
- 在DOS下用debug<1.txt 生成一个可执行程序。 进去是一个游戏的旋转界面,还有一段美妙的音乐,真是太好了!!! 快去看看啊! -Under DOS command window type debug<1.txt and Enter to produce an executable program. It s a 3D rolling world with fantastic music,Really wonderful!!!To see it
VC 十个评委评分系统
- 这个评分系统,用到了C++的 STL库,所以代码很少,只有30行左右就实现了全部功能,很有趣,不妨-Because of STL libary of C++ used in this grade system,it has little code.The system carries out all the function with just 30 rows code.It s very interesting,you d better have a look.
- 一个在酒店运行良好的配合财务系统的应收帐款管理系统(ASO)-NOTE: An ASO(Account Receivable Management System) cooperating financial system and executing well in cabaret.
- xvid的最新版本1.10beta2,用于视频编码,具体用法解压后,编译原码便可用-use in video encoding,you should extract the file,and compile the source code.
Visual C++线程同步技术剖析111
- Visual C++中的多线程编程,对初学者很有意义-thread synchronize technology,useful to beginners
VC++6.0 中用 ADO 存取 Access 数据库的一点总结
- VC中使用ADO访问数据库的一个事例程序,包含了许多SQL语句,对初学者非常有意义-ADO visits access database.It contains many sql sentences,very significant to beginners