- TAPI3.0的程序,在HTML里面使用VBscr ipt编写,可以直接打开网页就实现VOIP通话。-the source code of TAP1 3.0,code in VBscr ipt in HTML,it can communicate with VOIP when you open the web page
- 我编写的CMPP服务端代码,实现了协议的基本流程,在调试CMPP的时候很有用。-the CMPP server-side code implement the basic flow of the protocol.it is useful for debugging CMPP
水晶报表视频教程 三
- 这个是c#水晶报表视频教程三 很不错的 可以参考一下-This is the third c# crystal report forms video tutorial, is is very good, and you could get some advice from it.
- 一个验证程序,生成证书.可以用来生成证书和验证证书-A application for generating and validating certificate.
- 坐标转换,完成高斯可录个投影的转换和WGS84投影的转换,3分担遛分大-Coordinate transformation, it could carry out the transformation of gauss projection and WGS84 projection.
- 这个是学籍管理系统~有成绩学生课程三个表~里面还有一些资料做的比较简单~不过是今年的高分-This is management system ,it habe three form about student score schedule,and it have simple compare about date.
- 一条SIN曲线,正弦曲线,通过改变参数的设顶,可以改变曲线的形状,周期,幅度,等-the shape, periodic, amplitude of sin curve( sinusoid) can be changed by changing the parameters.
- 我的财务报表管理系统2002 FOR VFP8 -my management system of financing report forms 2002 for VFP8
- linux下的网络通讯例程,采用TCP通讯,客户端例程,本人 在LINUX环境下测试通过,绝对好用哦-the examples about net communication in linux,is a client program that use the TCP protocal and is checked in linux envirment.It is good!!
- 电力系统计算应用广泛的高斯消元法,用来对参数矩阵进行降阶消元。-Gauss elimination is also called Gauss-Jordan elimination, which is used to reduce the dimension of a matrix so that it can be solved easily.
- 消息传递机制是WINDOWS编程的基础,只有深入了解了才能更好地编写WINDOWS程序,此代码就向你展现了消息传递的内幕-the mechnism of message transfering is the basis of windows programming. Untile a through understanding has been made, one can have a good command of windows programming. This program shows
- 本软件实现了示波器,信号发生器,频率计,万用表的功能,在音频范围内可完全替代上述仪器。这并不是仿真软件,而是实用的工具,这些虚拟仪器可以很好的工作。最简单的应用只需要两根电缆,一根输入,一根输出。-this software realize the function of oscillograph and signal befallen and cymometer and multimeter. in frequency confine can substitute for instrument