- 易语言VPN连接器模块源码,可以修改成你自己想要的功能()
- c++实验自动打字 适用于一些需要敲击键盘的场景使用vs2017编写(C++ experimental automatic typing is suitable for a number of scenes that need to knock on the keyboard by using vs2017)
- 计算输入的阶数的本原多项式,可以很好的找到需要的本元多项式(The primitive polynomial of the order of the input can be used to find the necessary element polynomials well.)
C Version 1.2
- JPL发布的DE星历使用的C语言源代码,非常实用的程序(The program is used to compute planets' position and velocity by JPL's DE ephemeris)
- Postek打印机二次开发demo,用于控制POSTEK G6000打印标贴(Windows program for developing Posket printers,For label printing.)
- 利用MATLAB编程,来实现单张影像后方交会的操作处理。(MATLAB programming is used to implement the operation of the single image reconstruction.)
- 基于javaweb的图书馆查询系统,可以实现图书查询功能,只有数据库和后端,前端不完整,仅供参考(Library query system based on JavaWeb)
Navicat Premium 12.0.20 X64 简体中文版
- Navicat Premium 12.0.20 X64 简体中文版(Navicat Premium 12.0.20 X64)
- 通过四元数素算法融合加速度磁力计数据,对陀螺仪进行修正(The gyroscope is corrected by combining the four element element algorithm with the data of the acceleration magnetometer)
五新钢铁 v4
- 一个利用VBA编程,对表格数据分析汇总的程序表格(A use of VBA programming, tabulation of tabular data analysis summary table)
vb 仿QQ聊天程序
- VB模拟qq聊天程序及其源码,实现qq聊天的小功能(VB simulate qq chat program and its source code, realize qq chat small function)
- 程序实现命令行模式简单的拼音输入,用于c语言学习结构体,字符串I/O,指针等知识(The program implements the simple Pinyin input of the command line mode, which is used to learn the structure of the C language, the string I/O, the pointer and so on.)