- 轻松实现类VC界面 一、实现原理 图中两个窗口的实现类是从CControlBar派生出来的,我们并不需要从头到尾实现该类, 因为Cristi Posea先生已经为我们实现了一个称为CSizingControlBar的类, 而且做得相当完美!我们所要做的便是好好地利用该类,为了尽可能地简洁, 笔者将CSizingControlBar类修改了一下并命名为CCoolBar, 接下来我们将详细介绍如何利用该类实现我们所需的界面。-Easy interface for a VC c
- Viual C++ 编写的现场监控程序,用户从 下位机读取数据-Visual C++ Program Which Read Data From the OMRON PLC.
- 这是个自绘菜单的界面,如果要使用的话,最好自己重新设计一下图片资源。-This is a self-drawn menu interface, if you want to use, the best resources of its own redesigned look at pictures.
- 我用VB6.0做的一个网页浏览器,可以记录浏览历史以及添加收藏夹、管理收藏集,设置浏览器的界面语言等等,是本人深入研究WebBrowser的结晶,希望能对大家有所帮助。-I use VB6.0 to do a web browser, can record the browsing history and favorites to add, manage collections, set your browser' s interface language and so on, are m
- 简单的三层架构ASP.NET用户登录代码!-DAO、BLL、Model
- Version 4.1 of ReSize contains 3 install files. ReSize16.exe --> This file installs the 16 bit version of ReSize OCX. The 16 bit version of ReSize OCX is only compatible with 16 bit Visual Basic 4.0. ReSize32.exe --> This file
- 该源程序是基于虚拟仪器的心音图形显示系统,主要实现体表心音的采集和实时显示,心音信号的频谱分析以及临床听诊库的管理-The source code is based on heart sound virtual instrument graphical display system, mainly to achieve surface collection and real-time display of heart sound, heart sound signal spectrum anal
- High-speed Charting Control(A flexible charting control to display 2D data)-This chart control allows you to plot series of data on the screen. Several series of different types can be added to the control and up to four axes can be used. Series adde
- ftp文件传输系统的用户界面,完整地展现了用户端所要用到的基本功能,能轻松实现局域网的文件传递。-ftp file transfer system, the user interface, fully demonstrated by the client to use the basic functions of LAN files can be easily passed.
- EWDraw 3D is a powerful vector graphics ActiveX for 3D and 2D visualisation and animation. You can use it for CAD,CAM,GIS and others. The EWDraw is based on Open CASCADE geometric kernel and openGL. The component is realized as a run-time Windows 3
- 使用MFC做的多菜单,自定义的图标,多对话框,状态栏,快捷键等综合在一起的一个程序。-Use MFC to do more than the menu, custom icons, multiple dialog boxes, status bar, keyboard shortcuts, etc. together in one comprehensive program.
- image dragdrop functionality....u can drag the image from one part to another