- 例说stm32 是一本介绍stm32基本的功能的工具书 很适合新手阅读 内容很详细 语言通俗易懂(Case says in the stm32 is a stm32 basic functions of reference books Very suitable for beginners reading content is very detailed language easy to understand)
u-boot p1020
- powerpc p1020的u-boot。(the u-boot of powperpc p1020)
- 含有飞机重力模型,大气模型等,附有函数调用,形成航迹规划。(Contains aircraft gravity model, atmospheric model, etc., with function calls, forming track planning.)
FPGA 2017.08.18
- 实现步进电机驱动+加减速控制+编码器检验。(Stepper motor drive + acceleration and deceleration control + encoder test.)
- C# 环境下,简单实用的udp测试用例,初学者(C# Code UDP Test client and server)
- 医学影像图像处理,vtk,qt,itk,进行dicom图像处理,三维显示,获取切面等功能(Medical image processing)
- frp内网穿透工具 1,下载windows版本的客户端,解压到你喜欢的目录2, 打开frp_0.9.3_windows/目录(FRP intranet penetration tool 1, Download the Windows version of the client and extract it to your favorite directory 2, Open the frp_0.9.3_windows/ directory 3, hine service)
- 重力式挡土墙结构计算小程序,根据最新规范,VB(Gravity retaining wall structure calculation procedures, according to the latest specifications, VB)
- qt 调用QAxObject访问excel,word接口(QT calls QAxObject to access excel, the word interface)
02 最大似然法
- 基于matlab的最大似然估计方法,以一个多自由体系为例(Matlab based maximum likelihood estimation method, taking a multi freedom system as an example)
- 这是一个可以通过java语言连接到ssh服务器上的jar包(this is a jar that can connected to ssh service.)
- 100G光通信的实现和传输,对物理层有详细描述(The realization and transmission of 100G optical communication, physical layer is described in detai)