- 石器时代私服架设登录列表编辑器,适用于联机石器架设使用(Stone Age private service erection List Editor)
Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
- 该程序为帝国竞争算法matlab源代码,其中“ICA”为主程序,可以搭配编码解码解决各种实际问题,也可单纯进行数值计算搜索。(The program is the source code of Matlab, the Imperial Competition Algorithm, in which "ICA" is the main program, which can be used with encoding and decoding to solve various p
- 老版千年自动拾取工具 或者没有自动拾取功能的千年使用(Old version of millennial automatic pickup tool or thousands of years without automatic pickup function.)
- 用于NASA CEA的帮助文档 本文档为《第1部分:原理分析》(This report presents the latest in a number of versions of chemical equilibrium and applications programs developed at the NASA Lewis Research Center over more than 40 years. These programs have changed over the years
- This ea use for mt4, 24hour running
work2 Vigenere cipher
- 维吉尼亚密码算法加密解密用matlab实现,有注释版(Virginia cipher encryption and decryption)
- php编写的源码,可以二次开发,不建议商业用途。(PHP source code written)
- 以太网标准IEEE802.3规范,。一种网络协议。描述物理层和数据链路层的MAC子层的实现方法,在多种物理媒体上以多种速率采用CSMA/CD访问方式。(Ethernet standard IEEE802.3 specification. A network protocol. This paper describes the implementation method of MAC sublayer in physical layer and data link layer. CSMA/CD a
- jar包的加解密,应用jvmti、c++、MinGW对jar包进行加解密,保护自己的代码(Encryption and decryption of jar packages)
PowerBuilder 9.0参考手册
- PowerBuilder9.0参考手册,主要介绍数据窗口的属性,函数,事件,其它控件介绍的较少(PB9.0 reference manual)
原理图 PCB源文件 BOM
- 烙铁白光936焊台温控板设计电路图PCB制作图纸(Iron white 936 welding platform temperature control board design circuit diagram PCB production drawings)
- 去除荧光数据的拉曼散射和瑞丽散射,可用于荧光数据的处理(EEMSCAT for removing Rayleigh and Raman scattering from fluorescence % EEM data and interpolating the excised areas.)