- 一个仿QQ主窗体风格的Delphi面板,或者说是可以展开、折叠的菜单,有图标,有滑开隐藏的效果,没有使用三方控件,用Delphi7可直接编译源代码,我觉得值得借鉴,把代码分享给大家吧。 -A main form of imitation QQ style Delphi panel, or that can be expanded, collapsed menus, icons, slide open the hidden effects have not used the three con
- 延迟的声音再现,准备去噪声。效果是不是做频谱分析好得多。-Delay sound reproduction, to prepare to go to the noise. The effect is much better than doing spectral analysis.
- 文档视图结构下,改变鼠标的样式,本来是箭头改成了小手-Under the structure of the document view and change the style of the mouse, the arrow would have changed hands
- Delphi结合数据库获取部分日期信息,需要先连接数据库后再测试,否则程序假死。 -Delphi combines database to obtain partial date information, you need to connect to the database after the test, otherwise the program suspended animation.
- Delphi结合SQLSERVER数据库实现的多方式数据浏览功能,使用Frames实现窗体资源的重复利用,可实现普通数据浏览窗体,数据字典风格的维护窗体, -Delphi SQLSERVER database combined to achieve multi-mode data browsing, use Frames achieve reuse the form of resources, achieve common form of data browsing, data dictio
- Delphi动态数形菜单实例,树视图数据是从数据库读取出来后自动添加到树视图中,树形菜单中的每一项内容都是动态加载数据库的,比静态的树形菜单稍复杂些,但实用性大大增强了。本源码中附有MS SQLSERVER测试数据库。 -Delphi dynamic number of instances shaped menu, tree view after the data is read out from the database are automatically added to the tre
- Delphi通过update语句修改数据库内容,也就是更新数据库内容,本例的数据库文件在Database文件夹下,编译运行实例前请附加好数据库,这是一个Delphi基础实例,高手请绕行。 -Delphi modified by the update statement to the database content, the database is updated content, in this case the database file in the Database folder,
- Delphi从多个表合并数据,点击一下,点击“合并”按钮即可完成数据表的合并,测试数据库在Database文件夹中,测试前请附加。 -Delphi merge data from multiple tables, click, click "Merge" button to complete the merger, the test database in the Database folder, attach before the test data table.
- Delphi自制的标尺控件 正方形的标尺,Package1.dpk是控件源码,时间关系,这里没有附加控件,截图没有看到控件效果,有意需要的下载源码测试下,应该不会有问题。-Delphi controls homemade ruler square ruler, Package1.dpk a control source, time, there are no additional controls, screenshots do not see the effect of the control
- Delphi在状态栏显示检查框,请先看演示截图最下边的红色文字区域,前面有一个复选框,和其它的复选框是一样的,只是位置是在窗口的状态栏上,平时好像用的不多啊,不过作为Delphi的狂热者,多学习一些Delphi小技巧是不多余的哦。 -Delphi is displayed in the status bar check box, please see the screenshot below demonstrates red text area, in front of a box, and
- 以前用Delphi编写的简单网络聊天室,可点对点对某人发送即时消息,由于某种原因导致网络启动失败,则会弹出错误信息。本聊天程序不允许发送空消息,请按程序要求进行测试。 - Previously with Delphi simple network chat rooms, peer-to-person can send an instant message, for some reason the network boot fails, an error message will pop
- Delphi编写实现的远程控制程序,若客户端与服务器端端口一致的话,很容易连接上远程桌面,通过远程桌面可控制远程计算机隐藏桌面、关闭系统、重启系统、注销系统等功能,窗体的实现为各种控制操作提供便利条件。本源码无第三方控件,因此在Delphi7环境下,您可直接编译源码生成EXE文件。-Delphi prepared to achieve remote control program, if the client and server-side port is consistent, then it