- Delphi通过多个Timer控件执行多任务,绘制出图形的,点击按钮即可绘制,不多介绍了,懂的一看便知,是关于时间控制的。 -Delphi multitasking through multiple Timer controls, draw a graph, click on the button to draw, little introduction, and understand at a glance, is about the time control.
- Delphi毫秒级的倒计时控制程序,三个都是毫秒级,点击“开始倒计时”就可以看到效果了。 -Delphi Countdown millisecond control program, three are in milliseconds, click "Start Countdown" you can see the effects.
- Delphi编写实现的数据库自动备份程序,可以定时手动对指定目录进行拷贝,适合小型数据库备份。本软件共有两个模块. -Delphi prepared to achieve the automatic database backup program, you can specify the directory manually timed copy, suitable for small database backup. The software consists of two modules
- Delphi拦截进程示例程序源码包,用有一个三方的控件库:csrcp_hook.dll,运行时请放在bin目录下,进程拦截后有提示。 -Delphi interception process sample program source package, with a tripartite control library: csrcp_hook.dll, please put runtime bin directory, the process of interception prompted
- Delphi文本生字提取小程序,认识一个从事幼教的朋友,是按照她的要求写的,程序实现的主要功能是抽取txt和word文档中的生字,可以帮助幼儿识记生字,适宜初学者理解汉字的存储结构特性。存在的问题是无法完全删除一些非汉字符号。-Delphi vocabulary extract text applet, engaged in preschool know a friend, according to her written request, the main function of the pr
- delphi获取进程连接端口,是一个进程连接端口查看器的源码,可输出TCP连接表,获取UDP连接表,将连接表信息保存到文件,创建进程快照 - delphi get process connection port, source port is a process viewer, output TCP connection table, get UDP connection table, the connection table information is saved to a file
- 灵狐Delphi版windows进程管理器,较系统本身的任务管理器功能更强劲,除了进程的显示和管理功能外,CPU和内存性能占用显示当然不可少了。 -Hope Fox Delphi version windows process manager, task manager than the system itself functions more powerful, in addition to display and process management functions, CPU and
- Delphi实现嵌入式电子钟,一个小时钟在屏幕上显示,很小,可惜我不知怎么放大,有兴趣的看截图吧。三个指针都会走动的,打开后即获取系统时间。 -Delphi implementation of embedded electronic clock, a small clock on the screen, a small, but unfortunately I do not know how to enlarge, interested to see screenshots of it. T
- Delphi实现电子钟,打开后即获取系统时间的源码。-Delphi electronic bell, after obtaining the system time to open source.
- Delphi演示哥德巴赫猜想理论,若不知道哥德巴赫猜想的,可百度下,概念就不解释了,本例子主要内含是表现哥德巴赫猜想算法的结果,用代码来实现,需要研究的请下载源码包吧。 -Delphi demo Goldbach conjecture theory, does not know Goldbach conjecture, can Baidu, the concept is not explained, the main example is the performance of the Gol
- Delphi实现窗口标题栏的文字右对齐,一般情况下,标题栏的文字都是左对齐的,右对齐是如何实现的呢?其实也简单的,暂且不告诉你,直接下载源码例子吧,可在Delphi7中直接编译。 -Delphi to achieve the right window title bar text alignment, under normal circumstances, the title bar text is left-aligned, right-aligned is how to achieve
- Delphi CRC加密文件算法实例,选择文件后可加密文件,使用CRC算法,例子较简单,高手绕行,新手请参考代码。 -Delphi CRC algorithm instance encrypted file, select the file to encrypt files using CRC algorithm is relatively simple example, master bypass, novice, please refer to code.