- 公安案件管理系统的设计与实现 为满足公安局下属各基层派出所对本单位受理案件分类管理、案件信息、案件侦查进度、案犯管理等需求,开发一个公安案件管理系统。系统从基本信息管理、案件管理、案犯管理、统计查询方面对公安局公安案件管理系统进行了分析解决公安局下属各基层派出所的案件管理,提高公安业务效率,对案件规范化管理,预防各类内部人员随意操作案件信息的事件等-Design and implementation of public security case management system
- 给定n个权值作为n个叶子结点,构造一棵二叉树,若带权路径长度达到最小,称这样的二叉树为最优二叉树,也称为哈夫曼树(Huffman tree)。通过这个程序,可以实现哈弗曼树。-Given n as n weights leaf node, construct a binary tree, if the weighted path length to a minimum, said this is the optimal binary tree, also known as Huffman tre
- 栈是一种数据结构,它按照后进先出的原则存储数据,先进入的数据被压入栈底,最后的数据在栈顶,需要读数据的时候从栈顶开始弹出数据。-A stack is a data structure that stores data in accordance with the principle of LIFO, first enter the data is pushed onto the stack at the end, the last data in the stack, you need to r
- 树是由一个集合以及在该集合上定义的一种关系构成的。通过这个程序,实现树的编程-A tree is a collection of well-defined relationship in the configuration of the collection. Through this program, realized the programming tree
- 线性表是最基本、最简单、也是最常用的一种数据结构。线性表中数据元素之间的关系是一对一的关系,即除了第一个和最后一个数据元素之外,其它数据元素都是首尾相接的。-Linear form is the most basic, simplest and most commonly used data structures. Linear relationships between data elements in the table is one to one relationship, that in
- 这是一个关于k-means聚类的程序,可以进行分类-This is a program on the k-means clustering, can be classified
System information
- Small tool to provide system information
- 本程序用C语言来讲解有名管道怎么使用和应用的地方-This procedure using C language to explain how named pipe use and application of place
- this project for meta-inf protocol for wireless network in this project fore class the editor is netbeans and jdk compiler is simple
- 一个简单的读取ID数据的vb程序,采用MPRWAPIv01.dll函数库对14443 A、14443 B以及15693类型卡片进行操作的方法-A simple read ID data vb program, using MPRWAPIv01.dll library on 14443 A, 14443 B and 15693 type card operation method
- vb数据库简单实例练习,适用于vb新手关于数据库练习-vb database simple example exercises for practice on the database novice vb
- vb制作的简易购物车程序,使vb新手可以熟悉各窗体控件属性-vb making simple shopping cart program, so that novices can vb familiar with the form control properties