- DIBSection This code demonstrates how to use DIB Sections in VB6. The code does not need any additional DLLs and it calls windows API.
- hw5 这个程序使用二项式方法计算欧式期权价格和二项式方法和布莱克
- ManifoldLearn 这个一个关于流形学习的文件包
- original_path_mat Advanced synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems achieve high spatial resolution by using wide range bandwidth combined with long azimuth illumination time. In order to deal with such sensor parameters
- Visual C#基于线程技术查找素数,可手动挂起线程,也可销毁进程,本身就是一个线程用法的例子,精选C#学习源码。-Visual C# search technology based on thread primes, manual thread, also be the destruction process, itself is a thread usage example, select C# learning source.
- 界面美观的C#锁屏,WIN8锁屏C#源码,适用于WIN7和XP的锁屏,仿WIN8锁屏界面,屏蔽任务管理器,精选C#学习源码。-Beautiful interface C# lock, WIN8 lock screen lock screen C# source code, suitable for WIN7 and XP, imitation WIN8 lock screen, shielding the task manager, select C# learning source.
- 飞舞的天使_VB下雪场景和乐谱循环播放,精选VB学习源码。-Dancing angel _VB snow scenes and music playback, select VB learning source.
- VB.NET绑定数据到TextBox中显示的实例,也就是TextBox文本框中的内容是取自数据库,在上面的控制栏中,点击三角符号可浏览数据,精选VB学习源码。-The VB.NET binding data to the instance of TextBox display, is the TextBox contents of the text box is taken from the database, in the control bar, click the triangle sym
- VB读取和保存图片,图片格式这里假定是BMP,图片路径自己定义,精选VB学习源码。-VB to read and save the picture, picture format here is assumed to be BMP, the image path defined, select VB learning source.
- VisualBasic6.0倒计时程序,支持鼠标右键,倒计时结束自动播放指定音乐,精选VB学习源码。-VisualBasic6.0 countdown procedures, support the right mouse button, the end of the countdown automatic play the music, featured VB learning source.
- 这是一个VB.NET 使用Binding绑定数据库内容到DataGridView来显示,测试数据库是VB目录中的Northwind.mdb,已放在bin_Debug目录下,你需要在VB.NET2010中编译此项目源码,精选VB学习源码。-This is a VB.NET using the Binding binding to DataGridView to display the contents of the database, the test database is in the VB
- Delphi 获取显示器桌面的长宽像素大小,当程序运行的时候,有一个屏幕尺子在不停的丈量屏幕,精选Delphi学习源码。-The length and the width of the pixel size of Delphi access to monitor the desktop, while running the application, a screen ruler in the non-stop measurement screen, select Delphi learning
- BI中的ID3,和C4.5算法的C++具体实现-BI in the ID3, and C4.5 algorithms C++ concrete realization
- 两个设备形成对射,当有人通过时,一台设备发出指令,控制别的设备。-Two devices formed on the radio, when someone passed a device to issue commands to control other devices.
- LibDWG for CAD users. Only used in Unix* environment.
- 一个实用的有很多的数据库的操作函数,并附带了一定的说明解释。可以直接运行的MFC连接SQL的代码程序。对数据库操作的常用的不常用的函数方法都有。-There are a practical lot of database manipulation functions, and comes with a certain amount of explanation explanation. MFC can be directly connected to SQL code to run the pr