- Bitmap algorithms for constructing a circle -Bitmap algorithms for constructing a circle
- Bitmap algorithms for painting. -Bitmap algorithms for painting.
- 用于功率谱分析的Fortran程序,其中有简单功率谱分析与交叉功率谱分析。Power spectrum analysis for Fortran programs, including a simple power spectrum and cross power spectrum analysis.-Power spectrum analysis for Fortran programs, including a simple power spectrum and cross power sp
- library for spi interface connected -library for spi interface connected
- VC++编程技巧,对于VC++开发人员很有用的小技巧VC++ programming skills, for VC++ developers useful tips-VC++ programming skills, for VC++ developers useful tips
- MFC常用控件的学习介绍。初学者有很*价值。MFC common control study introduction. Beginners have great reference value.-MFC common control study introduction. Beginners have great reference value.
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- vc++传输图片可以选择保存磁盘或在界面显示vc++ to transfer pictures can choose to save disk or displayed in the interface-vc++ to transfer pictures can choose to save disk or displayed in the interface
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- 学好VC++的十大良好习惯 这个文档有助于我们在学习VC++的过程中养成良好的编写习惯。 Learn the vc++ 10 big good habits this document will help us in the process of learning vc++ to form a good habit of writing.-Learn the vc++ 10 big good habits this document will help us in the process of
- 使用一种笨办法实现的声音报时程序。(非TTS,因为不会用)主要技术:1.利用改写的VFP的_Soundplayer类发声2.句子由多个字词的声音文件连续发声实现The use of a sound awkward to achieve timekeeping procedures. (Non-TTS, because it would not use) Main: 1. VFP using rewrite the _Soundplayer class voice 2 word sentences