- 与VB网页分享一个鼠标事件实例,VB6.0利用鼠标画线的源码例子,不用点击鼠标就可画出线条,只需移动鼠标,线条就会跟随鼠标画出来,了解一下鼠标事件的实现原理,对Vb6.0初学者学习VB的鼠标事件相关操作还是有积极指导意义的。-VB page to share a mouse event instance, VB6.0 source code examples of using the mouse to draw the line, do not click the mouse to draw a
- VC设置开机自动运行,设置开机启动的程序,在窗口上点击右键,点击“设置开机运行”即可。-VC is set to start automatically, set the start-up program, right-click on the window, click " Setting a power running to.
- CheckList应用源码,VC++中的复选按钮实现,学习如何在VC窗口中添加多个复选框按钮,复选框Checkbox在各种编程语言中应用广泛,有必要掌握。-The CheckList source the check button VC++ achieve, learn how to add more than one check box in VC window button, check box Checkbox widely used in a variety of programming
- 基于MWP的VC++所播放器源程序,支持音乐可视化效果,支持拖动,支持字幕显示,VC++代码有很多的媒体播放器,这一个也不算复杂,基于Windows MediaPlayer插件,从截图中您就可看得出。-Source based the MWP VC++ the player, support music visualizations, support for drag, support for subtitles, VC++ code have a lot of media player, th
- 图书管理系统源码,VC+Access,包括图书借阅管理,程序使用Access数据库,主要是三大模块的功能:一是图书基本资料维护,二是图书的日常维护管理,三是查询管理图书信息。本源码可以在VC++6.0下直接编译生成EXE文件,源代码简单,对于VC新手来说,易于参考理解。-Source library management system, VC+Access, including library management, the program uses an Access database, th
- R3任务管理器隐藏,Ring3层隐藏进程 稳定可靠的VC++代码。注:本程序需要在命令提示符环境下运行,在开始运行中打开命令提示符,然后拖动本EXE程序到命令提示符窗口中即可,之前需要先打开进程管理器。-R3 Task Manager hidden, Ring3 layer the hidden processes reliable VC++ code. Note: This program needs to be run in a command prompt environment runn
- 几种几何体的简洁绘制法,点击debug下的exe文件可以直接看到运行效果,运行需要DirectX运行库的支持。 程序运行说明: 按键盘上数字键“1”键和“2”键可以在线框填充模式和实体填充模式之间切换。默认情况下是线框填充。-Several geometry simple drawing method, click the debug exe file can be seen directly run effect, required for the operation of the
- duilib_控件演示源码包括按钮、输入框、Combo等基础控件和richedit、listview、treeview、webbrowser等高级控件。-duilib_ control demonstration source code, including buttons, input boxes, Combo and other basic controls and richedit, listview, treeview, the WebBrowser Advanced Controls.
- C++队列优化的Bellmanford最短路算法(SPFA),使用C++实现的Queue improved Bellman-Ford单源最短路算法,在国内还被叫做SPFA。这个程序输入一个图,找到图中的一个点,这个点到最远点的长度最短。图使用邻接表保存。-Shortest path algorithm optimized Bellmanford C++ queue (SPFA), use the the achieve C++ Queue improved Bellman-Ford single
- VC做的图书馆,数据库管理课程设计,信息查询、信息管理、借还书、学生/管理员登陆-VC to do with libraries, database management curriculum design, information search, information management, borrowing and returning books, student/administrator login
- Kalman Filter的C语言实验,其中包括矩阵求逆等算法。本人自己写的,原创。经过测试,无误-Kalman Filter C language experiments, including matrix inversion algorithm. I wrote it myself, originality. After the test, the correct
- 六阶巴特沃斯低通滤波器cpp程序,戒指频率为35Hz-Sixth-order Butterworth low-pass filter cpp program