- 手机windows mobile平台的的rtsp实现,仅包含rtsp部分的实现. -Mobile phone windows mobile platform rtsp achieve, contains only the rtsp part of the realization.
- HPC上的RS232 USB Driver .该软件比PPL2303专用驱动强,兼容很多东西,已通过测试。 -RS232 USB Driver. HPC on the software than PPL2303 dedicated drive compatible with a lot of things, has been tested.
- 适用于多操作系统下的USB口转串口RSA232的驱动driver,,其主芯片为pl2303,网上有自制电路图,绝对正版。 已通过测试。 -Apply to multiple operating systems USB port to serial RSA232 drive driver, the main chip pl2303, homemade circuit diagram online, absolutely genuine. Has passed the test.
- *游戏展示,不同风格,初初出茅庐,望指教-laohuji -Slot machine game shows, different styles, early fledgling look advice-laohuji
- ,以写自己的高清晰图像显示的基本转变程序源代码,是一种形式的基础上的形式,并能自动动调整显示比例图像,显示图像的财产。初学者初学者有借鉴意义是完整的源代码可以直接使用。 -Basic changes in the program source code, to write their own high-definition image display, is a form based on the form, and can automatically automatically adju
- 图像显示出来软件源码源码,非常详细细!并且能随意缩放图像! -The image display software source source, very detailed and fine! And is able to scale the image!
- Visual C++制作的图像显示出来 与局部放大原程序源码 虽然非非常简单易懂 但是感觉对图像的基本处理有帮助 -Visual C++ crafted image displayed partial enlarged the original program source code, although not very simple and easy to understand but the feeling of basic image processing helpful
- Visual C/MFC常见的几种图像显示出来的方法:1.使用CBitMap,在OnPainnt 中绘制2.用picturn控件源码绘制3.用背景图4.用KoDak控件源码(需要已经安装) -Visual C/MFC several common image display method: 1. Use CBitMap, drawn in OnPainnt. Drawn with picturn control source background image source with KoDa
- 演示直接采集图像到计算机屏幕(显存)。采集图像显示出来的位置可为计算机屏幕窗口任意位置。注意区分视频输入窗口(Inpput Window)、输出窗口(Output Window)和显示出来窗口(Displayy Window)的概念。 -The demo capture images directly to a computer screen (memory). The acquisition image display out of position can be computer scr
- 用于驱动driver24L01芯芯片的函数代码,老外写的,非常漂亮! -The function code is used to to drive driver24L01 core chip, written by foreigners, very nice!
- MSP430的SPI接口的源码实例程序源码。连接NRF224L01实现定长的数据包通信 -MSP430 SPI interface source code examples of program source code. Connection NRF224L01 achieve fixed-length packet communication
- 设计温度采集端,温度采集端应用温度传感器18B20对对温度数据进行采集然后发送到串口上等待远程控制端的接收。 -Collection end of the design temperature, temperature acquisition side application temperature sensor 18B20 temperature data collected and then sent to the serial port on waiting for the end o