- RSA加密算法的VHDL实实现,通过实际FPGA验证。 -The VHDL implementation of the RSA encryption algorithm to achieve, to verify the actual FPGA.
- flash版进制转换器,二进制,十进制,十六进制之间间互转,支持更长的位数,绝对原创,已通过测试。 -converter flash version hex, binary, decimal, hexadecimal between conversion, support a longer median absolute original, has been tested.
- 游戏*源码实例 1.可以对自动控制脚本进行处理(实现如按键精灵的功能) 2.屏屏幕取色验证系统 3.Sendkey的灵活使用 4.强制进入人满房间 [VB源码] -Game plug-in source instance can automatically control scr ipt for processing (to achieve such as the flexible use of the Wizard button function) 2. Screen screen to
- Ethernet的驱动driver部分程序源码源源代码。能实现Ethernet协议。 可直接使用。 -Ethernet driver driver part of the program source stream code. To achieve the Ethernet protocol. Can be used directly.
- 图象增强小波变换将一幅图象分解为大小、位置与方向都不同的分量。在做逆变换之前能改变小波变换域中某些系数的大小,,这样就能够洋选择的放大所感兴趣的分量而减小不需要的分量。给定一个图象信号,用二维小波分析析对图象进行增强处理。 -Image enhancement wavelet transform decomposition size, location and direction of the different components of an image. Wavelet transfo
- Visual C平台,基于bpp神经网络的文字识别可直接使用。 -Visual C platform, based on the text of the the bpp neural network identification can be used directly.
- 用libnids实现http协议的解析,能监控局域网内全部机器器访问的网站,并记录日志。使用前需要先配置好libnids的环境 -Use libnids parsing of the http protocol, monitoring of all machines to access the LAN site, and logging. Needs to be configured before use good libnids environment
- 远程拨号示例程序源码,该程序源码运行需需要有MODEM,未经测试。 可直接使用。 -Remote dial-up sample program source code, the program source code to run need to MODEM, untested. Can be used directly.
- Visual C + +中的调制解调器包括调制解解调器初始化,错误处理,如,可以直接使用。 -Visual C++ modems include modulation solution demodulator initialization, error handling, for example, can be used directly.
- 车牌识别matlab环境下实现的源代码,对于初学入门者有很很好的借鉴作用,也可直接应用到工程中,已通过测试。 -License plate recognition source code implemented in the Matlab environment, a very good reference for beginners beginner, can be applied directly to the project, has been tested.
- 采用偏微分方程进行图像处理,利用动态库inpaint..dll,程序给出了一个运行实例,已通过测试。 -Partial differential equations for image processing, dynamic library inpaint .. dll, the program gives a running instance has been tested.
- H.264源代码的详细注释,网上搜不到,建议学校校流媒体的一定要看 ,经测试可直接使用。 -H.264 source code comments, online search, it is recommended that the streaming of a school have to look at, tested can be used directly.