- 其中包含将256色彩色图象转化为灰度图象,LZW压缩算法,显示出来DDIB位图,哈夫曼编码及实现图象的马赛克效果的C++源码 可直接使用。 -Which contains 256 color color image into a grayscale image, LZW compression algorithm, displayed DDIB bit map, Huffman coding and image mosaic C++ source code can be used direc
- 利用PSO训练BP神经网络的的MATLAB源码可直接使用。 -MATLAB source PSO training BP neural network can be used directly.
- STUN演示程序源码,能穿过绝大多数防火墙NAT等.演示实际际应用中的VOIP上UDP通信体系 可直接使用。 已通过测试。 -STUN demo program source code, can pass through most firewalls and NAT applications demonstrates the actual occasion of VOIP UDP communication system can be used directly. Has been test
- Windows 下的H323软电话源码, H323和SIP是 下下一代网络 NGN 的重要终端协议, 对软电话的开发有重要参考意义 -H323 soft phone source code under Windows, H323 and SIP under the next-generation network NGN terminal protocol, there is a significant reference to the development of the soft phon
- CSHARP实现Des , Rc2, Rijndaell, TripleDes加密的类,已通过测试。 -CSHARP DES, RC2, Rijndaell TripleDes encryption class, has been tested.
- 使用最大正向匹配算法,实现中文自动分分词,对于初学入门者有很高的参考价值。 -Use the maximum forward matching algorithm of Chinese automatic word segmentation, high reference value for the beginner beginners.
- 这是我上学时的一个作业,使用symetric key和mac给一个聊天程序发送的信息加密和解密。使用c#编写。单机测试的时候,打开开2个实例,然后其中一个点listen,另一个的hostname填上localhost,然后点连接。两个chat就可以互相发送信息了。 -This is a job when I go to school, use a symetric key and mac sent to a chat program to encrypt and decrypt. Use c
- 有关OFDM信号检测与估计的一篇文章,是IEEEE上的,有需要的下 ,经测试可直接使用。 -OFDM signal detection and estimation, an article on the IEEEE need, has been tested and can be used directly.
- 用MFC实现的关于内部排序算法的时间比较,包括快速排序序,堆排序,选择排序等五种排序方法,已通过测试。 -Time on internal sorting algorithm is implemented by MFC, including five quick sort order, heap sort, selection sort sorting method has been tested.
- 捷联惯性导航解算程序,内附实实测数据与说明文档可直接使用。 -Strapdown Inertial Navigation solver, included the actual measured data and documentation can be used directly.
- 基于vxworks的windmml图形界面开发方法可直接使用。 -Based on the vxworks of windmml graphical interface development methodology can be used directly.
- ssl sniffer源代码,适合合于UNIX、LINUX侦听ssl数据 -ssl sniffer source code, suitable for together in UNIX, LINUX, listens on the ssl data