- MP3_code 基于Linux下数据流媒体的传输播放
- FastUniq-1.1.tar FastUniq as an ultrafast de novo tool for removal of duplicates in paired short DNA sequence reads in FASTQ format. FastUniq identifies duplicates by comparing sequences between read pairs and does not require complete genome sequences as prerequisites. FastUniq is capable of simultaneously handling reads with different lengths and results in highly efficient running time.
- 设置注册表将 *.test 文件管理到本程序 程序从 Cmdline.asm 修改而来 -Set the registry to*. test file management program of this procedural change comes from Cmdline.asm
- Win32多线程程序设计(随书源码)非常经典-Win32 Multithreaded Programming (source code with the book) is very classic
- This the component VCLSKIN v5.40, updated for RAD STUDIO XE (Delphi and C++ Builder) 1 / Load DELPHI XE 2 / Load the file WinSkinD2011.dproj 3 / Right mouse button. Click on "MAKE" (Warning: Not BUILD) 4 / Right mouse button. Click "Instal
- C语言算法大全经典开发资料C language algorithm development information Daquan Classic -C language algorithm development information Daquan Classic
- VC编程随机数示波器实例代码VC programming random sample code oscilloscope -VC programming random sample code oscilloscope
- 数据流具有数据持续到达、 到达速度快、 数据规模巨大等特点, 这些都给数据流挖掘领域的研究工作带来了新挑战, 而其中分类算法更是当前的研究热点-D e c i s i o nt r e ec l a s s i f i c a t i o ni saw e l l
- VC++下两种语言(中文,英文)的动态切换方案,-VC++ under the two languages (Chinese, English) of the dynamic switching scheme
- 确定假币性质最优称法 不确定假币性质最优称法-The best known method to determine the nature of uncertainty counterfeit nature of the best known method of counterfeit money
- 一家人过桥问题 有一家人,晚上要过一个独木桥。但是他们只有一盏灯,而这盏灯只能使用30秒。要在灯熄灭前过这座桥不然就过不去了。他们该如何过呢?-There is a problem of a family of people cross the bridge at night to have a single-plank bridge. But they have only a lamp, which lamp can only use 30 seconds. Before the ligh
- vc读写ini文件的model例子程序,让你很容易对ini文件进行操作-ini file to read and write model vc
- 大学ACM真题集以及答案(包含中文和英文两版)-University of ACM Zhenti set and answers
- 介绍MODTRAN软件选项卡设置,帮助初学者设置软件环境。-Describe how to set the card running for MODTRAN and help newer set the environment.