- 设计的文件系统实现下述的基本操作:建立文件;删除文件;打开文件;关闭文件; 可对文件设置保护措施(读,写,执行)。-the file system is designed to implement basic operations as follow: create file delete file open file close file set security measure
- 要求随机关生一个序列,任意查找其中一个元素时,采用二分搜索法实现,并且还能显示查找次数。使用二分法首先要使序列列按从小到大排序,因此程序中还要有排序功能。- there is a random series ,when looking for any an element in this series,we can achieve this by the method of bisectional searching,also the number of search times will be
- 本次设计要求我使用最不经常使用页面淘汰算法。该算法在需要太太某一页是,首先淘汰到当前时间为止,被访问次数最少的那一页。这只要在页表中给每一页增设一个访问计数器即可实现。每当该页被访问时,访问计数器加1,而发生一次缺页中断时,则淘汰计数值最小的那一页,并将所有的计数器清零。-Abstraction: This design require me use a most unusual swap algorithm. When swap operation is demanded, this al
- 用c#编写的一个简单的万年历查询器,只能查询每个月的一号。无图形输出,那位仁兄有意可以加一个。运行平台为asp.net+iis.-a simple perpetual calendar inquirier developed with c#,it can only query the first day of each month. there is no graphic output, and I hope someone could add it. running platform is
- 用C语言编写来模拟时钟,具有一般时钟的功能。可以精确到秒-this is a C code clock, with common functions of a clock and with precision to second.
- 用C语言编写的,实现一个能进行稀疏矩阵基本运算的运算器。-writen in C language, implemented calculator which can execute basic operator of sparse matrix.
- 1.进制之间的转换:可以实现十进制转换成其他的进制:二进制,八进制,十六进制;2.机器码之间的转换:输入真值,可以转换成原码,反码还有补码。-1.the conversion of scales:implemant of conversion in decimal and orther scales:binary, octal, and hex.2.the conbersion of machine codes:input ttuth value,then converting into for
- 用C语言编写的模拟windows的打字软件,可以实现基本的打字功能!-Write with c to simulate windows typing software.This will implement those basic typing functions.
- 这是我自己学习编写的代码集合 里面有老师讲的 自己改写的 都是一些简单的代码 但是每个代码都写了 很详细的注释 你不用看帮助文件就可以理解-This the collection of my code for learning, including the teacher s code and modified by me. All of them are very simple, but including notation in detail. You can read it without
- 外国高手用vb编写的游戏源代码 很精美 无论在声音图像上都是很专业的 适合对vb比较精通人学习-It is a foreign skill programmer s game code using VB, very fine. For both the sound and graph is professional, it is very useful for the advanced learner.
实例2 控件的排布示例
- 通过组合使用布局管理器设计出简洁实用的用户界面-Design simple and useful user interface by combination use of layout manager.
实例3 控件的相互控制与消息传递
- 一个简单的聊天程序界面,说明在java程序设计中各个组件之间如何相互传递消息并相互控制。-This is a interface of a chating application.with this example,we ll illustrate how Inter-control & Message transmit in components works.