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- c#窗口建立的用Visual C#开发WinForm的应用程序 一.程序开发和运行环境及概括介绍 本问的所有调试程序都基于微软视窗2000专业版本和.Net FrameWork Beta 2版。 -established using Visual C# development WinForm applications one. Program development and runtime environment and asked to give an overview of all the
- 方便企业的各项管理,具有多种强大的现代企业管理功能-facilitate the management of enterprises with a variety of powerful modern enterprise management capabilities
Visual Basic 6.0-hot
- 是很好的学习vb6.0的资料呦!-It is very good materials for the VB6.0 learner.
- 《windows程序设计》书源码。这本书相信大家都非常之熟悉了,就不多介绍了。-"windows program design" book source. This book I believe we all are very familiar with, not many introduced.
- Microsoft Windwos NT/2000 提供了一个强大的API集来访问系统事件和性能数据的众多计数器。我们既可以实时地得到计数器的值,也可以从一个日志文件中读取计数器数据。功能可为强大,而且使用简单 。下面我就简单谈谈在VC中如何使用Windows的性能计数器。好,废话少说,我们开始。-Microsoft Windows NT/2000 provides a powerful set of APIs to access the system events and performanc
- 趣味程序,有100个示例, 是html文档。-interesting procedure, one hundred examples of html files.
- 有100个VC的编程实例-have one hundred examples of programming by VC++
- 这是VC++精彩案例一书的随书光盘(一),里面包含了很多具有代表性的代码,可用于初学VC者参考的好资料-This is a wonderful case with the CD (a), which contains a lot of representative code that can be used when a person VC good reference information
- 这是VC++精彩案例一书的随书光盘(二),里面包含了很多具有代表性的代码,可用于初学VC者参考的好资料-This is a wonderful case with the book CD-ROM (2), which contains a lot of representative code that can be used when a person VC good reference information
- 这是VC++精彩案例一书的随书光盘(三),里面包含了很多具有代表性的代码,可用于初学VC者参考的好资料-This is a wonderful case with the CD (3), which contains a lot of representative code that can be used when a person VC good reference information
- 一个挂钩鼠标,模拟鼠标移动HHOOK的原代码,希望对朋友们有用,-It is a mouse hook program, simulating a mouse moving. Hope it helpful.
- 用dephi开发的幸运52,就象中央电视台的李勇的哪个节目,起编程思想很有价值-development with a lucky 52, as Central TV program in which Li Yong played a very valuable programming ideas