- 该程序实现对残缺棋盘覆盖问题的求解 采用方法:分治方法-the program right chessboard incomplete coverage of the methods used to solve : the administration
- 该程序用贪心算法来求解最小生成树问题 采用贪婪准则:每次选择边权值最小边。如果该边加入后不构成环,则加入。-procedures with the greedy algorithm to solve the problem using the minimum spanning tree greedy guidelines : each side the right to choose the minimum value side. If the edge after the entry does
- 该程序用贪心算法来求解0-1背包问题 采用贪婪准则:每次选择p/w最大的物品放入背包。-procedures with the greedy algorithm to solve 0-1 knapsack problem using greed criteria : Each choice p / w largest goods Add backpack.
- 该程序用贪心算法来求解二分覆盖问题. 采用贪婪准则:每次从A中选择一个顶点加入覆盖,选择时:选取能覆盖B中还未被覆盖的顶点的数目最多的顶点。-procedures with the greedy algorithm to solve two hours coverage. Using greed criteria : A time to choose from a peak accession coverage options : To B coverage can not be covered
- 该程序实现对二维数据轴上的最临近点的求解问题 采用方法:分治方法-procedures to achieve the two-dimensional data of the axis points near the methodology used to solve the problem : the administration
- 该程序实现对一维数据轴上的最临近点的求解问题 采用方法:分治方法1(该方法在递归时由于使用数组的值,使得递归进栈的数据很多,消耗系统空间很大,所以处理的个数经测试不超过70个,可见在设计程序时,考虑空间的使用也是很必要的!)-the process of achieving a dimensional data axis near the point of the methodology used to solve the problem : a partition method (the me
24小时学会使用PHP MySQL and Apache
- 24小时学会使用PHP MySQL and Apache-24 hours learning how to use PHP MySQL and Apache
- 该程序实现对一维数据轴上的最临近点的求解问题 采用方法:分治方法(找出中位数,两边递归)-the process of achieving a dimensional data axis near the point of the methodology used to solve the problem : the administration (to identify the median on both sides, the recursive)
- 该程序实现对一维数据轴上的最临近点的求解问题 采用方法:计算每对顶点间的距离,比较之 效率为O(n2)-the process of achieving a dimensional data axis near the point of the methodology used to solve the problem : for each pair of vertices the distance, a comparison of the efficiency of O (n2)
- 该程序实现对一维数据轴上的最临近点的求解问题 采用方法:传统方法2:先排序,然后一次线性扫描,得到最近距离,时间复杂性O(nlogn)-the process of achieving a dimensional data axis near the point of the methodology used to solve the problem : The traditional two methods : first order, and then a linear scan, rece
- 这是一个留言小软件:(数据库逻辑名为\" text \",用户名为\" 033 \",密码为\" 0518 \") 初学者的做品-This a message small software : (database logic called "text", user name "033", password "0518") beginners do Commodities
- 可以读本的文本文件,当时做的时候开学JAVA,现在看起来有点好笑。呵,-can Reading text files, so when the opening JAVA, now looks a little funny. Uh,