dsq (2)
- 该函数用来更新RTC中的时间,它仅有一个参数nowtime,是以秒数表示的当前时间。-This function is used to renew the RTC time.There is just a parameter nowtime,the current time denoted by seconds
- 函数对时钟中断请求进行真正的服务,而不是只是让CPU“空跑”一趟。此时,Linux内核可以说是真正的“跳动”起来了。-Function provide real service for the timer inturrupt instead of letting CPU nop, thereby the Linux kernel \"jump\" in a sense.
- 全局变量表示了内核上一次执行函数的时间,期间一共发生了多少次时钟中断,显然函数必须为期间所发生的每一次时钟中断补上定时器服务。-The Global variable denotes the time when the CPU running the function the latest time, the number of time interrupt between the two running. It s obvious that add timer at every time in
- 函数查询当前进程的间隔定时器信息,并将查询结果保存在内核空间的结构变量中。然后将结果拷贝到用户空间缓冲区中。-The function obtains the interval timer s information of the current process and keeps the result in certain structure variable which is in kernel space.Finally,copys it to buffer of user space.
- 人事管理系统(应届毕业生用的管理系统,含源代码)-personnel management system(for this year s graduates, including source code)
- 本人自己编写的贝克汉姆头象计算器,虽然功能有点简单但心思十足希望大家多多支持-A calculator with the portrait of Beckham
- Java内核是unicode的,就连class文件也是,但是很多媒体,包括文件/流的保存方式是使用字节流的。因此Java要对这些字节流经行转化。char是unicode的,而byte是字节。Java中byte/char互转的函数在sun.io的包中间有。其中ByteToCharConverter类是中调度,可以用来告诉你,你用的convertor。其中两个很常用的静态函数是-Java kernel is unicode,as well as class files.However,most mu
- 最新的学生选课源代码,用购物车实现的,SESSION的编译方法,是学生课程设计的最好材料,最佳参考-The newest student enrollment source code: implemented with shopping cart and session compile method. This is the best materials and reference for student project development.
- 本程序是测试通过vc++开发发送电子邮件程序,里面有一些例子,希望能够大家共享-e-mail sending program based on VC++, tested, with examples included.
- 发送电子邮件程序,主要是通过vc++在windows系统上使用,测试发送邮件-The program is to send Email. It is used in windows system via vc++ and it can test sending Email.
- 在windows操作系统上,测试排序,常用的排序方法,主要是测试使用-Test sort program with uasual ordering approach based on Windows OS, mainly for test.
- 主要是用于电力系统实时库建立以及内存的分配和使用,对于电力系统通讯实时性有很好的保证-the code is designed for the real-time database which is widely used in the electrical power system, the special design in memory distributing and using makes good assurance for the real time communication.