- 设计 MFC应用程序,手工添加消息映射,实现下面的功能: (1 )按下 CTRL 键,拖动鼠标绘制矩形; (2 )按下 SHIFT 键,拖动鼠标绘制椭圆。 -Design MFC application, manually add a message map to implement the following functions: (1) Press the CTRL key and drag the mouse to draw a rectangle (2) Press
- 单文档应用程序,读取并显示DXF文件,用鼠标轮可放大或缩小,不需考虑文件大小和位置,打开置窗口中间-A single document application, read and display the DXF file, use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out, without considering the size of the file and position, show in the center of the the window
- 基于passthru的ndis驱动,根据特征字修改数据包,达到重定向功能-Passthru ndis driver, according to the character of the word modify the packet to reach the redirection feature
- 本程序是用Visual C++ 编写的一个五子棋的小游戏,对于学习面向对象的初学者很有益处。五子棋的基本功能本程序都已经具备,算法和具体的存储方式具有参考价值。欢迎下载。-This procedure is to use Visual c++ write a gobang game, for learning object-oriented beginners very useful.Gobang already have the basic function of this procedure
- 就是计算器。有步骤。供初学者使用。我们共同进步- calculator. For beginners to use. We make progress together
- 用DirectShow写的avi视频播放器,其实不止能播放avi,还能播放其他的视频格式,能实现截图等功能,在visual c++下编译通过,不过要先安装DirectShow,然后配置。-A avi video player writen by DirectShow, in fact, not only can play avi, also can play other video formats, the player can grab the screen and save the pho
- 一个用于播放VCD的程序,程序运行后打开VCD文件即可播放,画面清晰,操作简单,系统稳定,在VC6.0上运行良好-The procedure used to play a VCD, the program running and opened the VCD file can be played, the picture clear, simple operation, system stability, a good run on VC6.0
- 进销存管理系统,是在别人的基础上修改完成的 比较完整
- Delphi7.0编写的记事本小程序,用来替换系统记事本的。比系统notepad.exe增加了一些功能,内附说明。-Notepad applet Delphi7.0 prepared to replace the system Notepad. Than the system notepad.exe with some added features, the included instructions.
- 绘制图形和图像的相应处理-Draw graphics and image processing corresponding
- 个人空间网站是类似于QQ空间的Web网站,主要实现的功能:注册登录、阅读日志、发表评论、管理日志、查看个人档案和写档案。-Personal Space site is a Web site similar to the QQ space, the main achievement of the function: the Register Login reading log, comment on management log, view the profile and write files.
- 基于OpenGL和MFC的三维图形绘制源码,包括三棱柱的详细绘制渲染代码-OpenGL and MFC-based three-dimensional graphics rendering code, including a detailed drawing of three prism rendering code