- 使用双缓冲技术实现背景透明屏保,只是一个半成品-Use double buffering technology background transparent screensaver, just a semi-finished products
- 使用vs2010编写了一个consel应用程序,该应用程序可对任何输入的yuv420指定帧号图像进行中值滤波和sobel处理,并输出处理后的两张bmp图片(8bit灰度图)-the application program can get one frame yuv420 sequence, medianfilter and sobel edge extract,then output two bmp(8bit)
- 银行排队叫号系统演示开发环境为microsoft visual studio 2005 多线程并行开发 C++窗体应用程序 有mfc基础和vb基础理解实践触发编程-Bank call queuing system demo development environment for microsoft visual studio 2005 multithreaded parallel development C++ Forms application the mfc foundation and
- 一个开源的 Windows 系统下安装程序制作程序。它提供了安装、卸载、系统设置、文件解压缩等功能(An open source Windows system installer program. It provides functions such as installation, uninstall, system setup, file decompression, and so on)
- 做的是一个完整的网站访问系统,类似于淘宝网站,进行查看、放入购物车等操作-a website of book,like go shopping on the Internet
- 此文件是一个基于校园网的非主流校园网站,希望可以帮到有需要的朋友。-This document is a campus network based on non-mainstream campus site, the desire to help the needy Friend
- MyTunet 是一个能方便你使用清华大学校园网的工具。有了 MyTunet,登录校园网、切换登录账号等任务将变得非常轻松。以及他的源码。-MyTunet is an easy you use the Tsinghua University campus network tools. With MyTunet, on campus, switching login account and other tasks will become very easy. As well as his sour
- 串口摄像头图片抓拍,列表展示导出excel表-Serial camera image capture and display a list of Excel export table
- 可实现给图片添加水波纹效果的C++程序。 该文件是完整的基于Visual Studio 2010开发环境的工程文件,可以正确编译运行。-Pictures can be achieved by adding water to the ripple effect of the C++ program. The document is based on a complete project files Visual Studio 2010 development environment, yo
- vs2005开发的界面编程案例,值得初学者学习和参考-the winform interfacem, it is developed by VS2005, it is due to study!
- Delphi 7课程设计案例精编》源代码 为初学者提供帮助,希望大家喜欢, 多个基本案例都是初学者在学习过程中常见的,包括一些基本组件的学习.-Delphi 7 cases intensive curriculum design series "source code for beginners help, hope you like. many cases are basic beginners in the learning process common, includin
Source Code of Facade Structure Analysis
- urce code of our hierarchical structure analysis algorithm for 2D facade image