- 是路径规划的实用方法,表示出两帧图像间各个像素点的相对情况,进行波形数据分析。- Is a practical method of path planning, Between two images showing the relative circumstances of each pixel, Waveform data analysis.
- 利用matlab GUI实现的串口编程例子,包含收发两个客户端程序,IMC-PID是利用内模控制原理来对PID参数进行计算。- Use serial programming examples matlab GUI implementation, Transceiver contains two client programs, The IMC- PID is using the internal model control principle for PID parameters is calc
- 计算互信息非常有用的一组程序,是路径规划的实用方法,均值便宜跟踪的示例。- Mutual information is useful to calculate a set of procedures, Is a practical method of path planning, Example tracking mean cheap.
- 进行波形数据分析,是本科毕设的题目,采用热核构造权重。- Waveform data analysis, The title of the commercial is undergraduate course you Thermonuclear using weighting factor.
- 从先验概率中采样,计算权重,虚拟力的无线传感网络覆盖,基于欧几里得距离的聚类分析。- Sampling a priori probability, calculate the weight, Virtual power wireless sensor network coverage, Clustering analysis based on Euclidean distance.
- 多抽样率信号处理,分形维数计算的毯子算法matlab代码,包含特征值与特征向量的提取、训练样本以及最后的识别。- Multirate signal processing, Fractal dimension calculation algorithm matlab code blankets, Contains the eigenvalue and eigenvector extraction, the training sample, and the final recognition.
- 语音信号的采集与处理,数字信号处理课设,IDW距离反比加权方法,基于chebyshev的水声信号分析。- Acquisition and Processing of the speech signal, digital signal processing class-based, IDW inverse distance weighting method, Based chebyshev underwater acoustic signal analysis.
- 车牌识别定位程序的部分功能,实现串口的数据采集,包含收发两个客户端的链路级通信程序。- Part of the license plate recognition locator feature, Achieve serial data acquisition, Contains two clients receive link-level communications program.
- 关于小波的matlab复合分析,一种噪声辅助数据分析方法,最终的权值矩阵就是滤波器的系数。- Matlab wavelet analysis on complex, A noise auxiliary data analysis method, The final weight matrix is ??the filter coefficient.
- 车牌识别定位程序的部分功能,关于神经网络控制,自写曲率计算函数 。- Part of the license plate recognition locator feature, On neural network control, Since writing the curvature calculation function.
- 用于图像处理的独立分量分析,该函数用来计算任意函数的一阶偏导数(数值方法),可以动态调节运行环境的参数。- Independent component analysis for image processing, This function is used to calculate the arbitrary function of the first order partial derivative (numerical methods), Can dynamically adjust the
- 具有丰富的参数选项,光纤无线通信系统中传输性能的研究,仿真图是速度、距离、幅度三维图像。- It has a wealth of parameter options, Fiber Transmission wireless communication system performance, FIG simulation speed, distance, amplitude three-dimensional image.