Genetic algorithm to vehicle routing problem
- 这个代码是采用遗传算法解决车辆路径优化问题,大家一块学习(This code is to solve the vehicle routing optimization problem with genetic algorithm.)
- 1. 汽车轮渡口,过江渡船每次能载10辆车过江,过江车辆分为客车类和货车类(1. The car ferry, river ferry can take 10 cars across each time, the river-crossing vehicle is divided into passenger car and truck)
VB 仿360安全卫士获取电脑开机启动时间
- VB 仿360安全卫士获取电脑开机启动时间,获取的思路: 计算公式: 开机时间 = 系统已运行时间 - (系统当前时间 - explorer进程创建时间) 这个程序与360安全卫士的开机时间计算有区别,获得的时间比较短,可能读取进程的时间不一样吧,程序还有些不完善,仅供大家参考。(VB imitated 360 security guard to get the boot time of computer and get the train of thought. Formula: B
- 能够生成房间脉冲响应,并且是官方指定的生成器,具有很好地稳定性(Capable of generating room impulse response)
- c++9.2版本软件和插件破解 附件为下载链接(C++test 9.2 version software and plug-in crack attachment for download link)
- 输入字符串或数组,计算CRC校验值并返回(Enter the string or array, calculate the CRC check value and return.)
get rssi
- 获取wifi信号的信号强度(RSSI),可在windows平台运行。(get RSS for wifi signal in windows OS.)
- 在板材加工后会存在应力,通过Sigini子程序赋予初始残余应力场(There will be stress after plate processing, and the initial residual stress field can be given by Sigini subroutine.)
- 简单动物识别系统的知识表示与推理 (1)以动物识别系统的产生式规则为例 (2)建造规则库和综合数据库,并能对他们进行增加、删除和修改操作 (3)基于建立的规则库和综合数据库,进行推理(Knowledge representation and reasoning in simple animal recognition system (1) take the production rule of animal identification system as an example. (2) b
- 采用矩阵逆定义法求矩阵逆,采用高斯消去法求矩阵逆。(The matrix inverse is used to find the matrix inverse, and the Gaussian elimination method is used to find the matrix inverse.)
- 使用最小最小矩形测量轮廓的最小外接矩形宽度、长度的功能函数(Minimum minimum rectangle function for measuring the minimum width and length of the circumscribed rectangle)
- 计算层剪切模型刚度矩阵,可查询结构动力分析matlab实现。(Computational layer shear model stiffness matrix)