- Javascr ipt和C++相互调用的类CWebPage,有兴趣的朋有可以下载参考一下!(Javascr ipt and C++ call each other class CWebPage, interested friends can download reference!)
- 2017年数学建模国赛第四问程序,思路仅供参考(This is source code of forth question of The Mathematical modeling of college students in 2017)
- 数据结构线性表顺序表c语言的实现,顺序表表示的是用一组地址连续的存储单元依次存储线性表的数据元素,所以顺序结构的实现一般采用数组的方式来实现,存储空间也采用动态分配的方式。在定义中用一个ElemType * elem表示基地址,int length 表示当前长度,int listsize表示数组的大小。(Linear table data structure to achieve the order form of the C language, the order of the table i
- 实现流水灯的闪烁控制,左右闪烁,来回,可控制时长(Realize the flashing control of water lampRealize the flashing control of the water lamp, realize the flashing control of the water lamp, flicker left and right, back and forth, can control the length of time)
- VB操作ini文件的VB的类模块,很简单的一段代码,适合初学者(Class of VB that operates INI files)
noise level estimation PCA-based
- 利用PCA,提取图像中特征值最小的区域,来估计图像噪声(PCA is used to extract the smallest region of the image feature to estimate the image noise)
Bluetooth Library for Proteus
- Bluetooth library for proteous
- 对肉类进行检测,可以快速检测,帮助人快速插件肉类大理石花纹(The meat can be detected quickly, helping people quickly plug in meat marbling)
greatest common divisor
- 求最大公约数。最大公因数,也称最大公约数、最大公因子,指两个或多个整数共有约数中最大的一个。(greatest common divisor)
- decision curve analysis,决策曲线(DCA),用于模型间的评价,领域包括医学临床决策等。(This is a software package, there is a code in the R language environment, the code is a function, function called decision curve, commonly used in statistical modeling, evaluation between the m
- 简介:基于词典逆向最大匹配法而实现的中文分离代码。 作用:可将一个汉字序列切分成一个一个单独的词。(Introduction: the Chinese separation code based on the dictionary reverse maximum matching method. Function: a Chinese character sequence can be divided into a single word.)
- 本超市管理系统,可以实现商品读取,录入,统计功能,同时信息保存到文件(The supermarket management system, implementation of the merchandise can read, input, statistics, and save the information to a file)