SOS Algorithm for ED
- Symbiotic Organism Search for Economic Dispatch Problem having 3 units and 10 units
A-to-B-to-C reaction
- 基于MATLAB,模拟n级连串反应A->B->C反应过程中各组分浓度和体系温度的变化情况,得到各组分浓度及反应体系温度曲线。(Based on MATLAB, the concentration of each component and reaction temperature in the A->B->C reaction of N-order reaction were simulated, and thecurves of each component conc
- 仿真实现,锁相环的跟踪与实际载波频率的仿真与对比,信号的调制与解调。(The simulation and comparison between the tracking of the phase-locked loop and the actual carrier frequency are simulated, and the modulation and demodulation of the signal are presented.)
- remote_all for 0000.0000.0000.0027 1073
- 空间前方交会程序,采用点投影系数法,matlab代码,简单易读运行速度快!(Space intersection program, using point projection coefficient method, matlab code, easy to read, fast operation!)
- 摄影测量中的空间前方交会程序,采用的是matlab编写的共线条件方程法,结合空间后方交会求解的双像外方位元素,可以进行待定点的三维坐标的求解。(The program of space intersection in photogrammetry, using the collinear equation method to prepare the MATLAB, combined with the space resection for double image exterior orient
- 1.存储商品信息 2.查看库存清单 3、计算求和: 总库存,总金额(1. storing commodity information 2. check inventory 3. Calculate sum: total inventory, total amount)
- 关于一维扩散问题的LBM方法,使用Fortran语言编程。(LBM method for one-dimensional heat conduction.)
- 利用Kalman滤波对运动目标跟踪的基本示例(A basic example of moving object tracking using Kalman filtering)
新建文本文档 (2)
- matlab绘制数字信号基带系统的波形,波形为几种常见的波形,未经调制的波形(use the matlab to display waveform of digital baseband system)
- Pen to synaptics developer biometrics
- f_yield_calc 输入:n*n double,列数x,区间数y 输出:n-y+1*2 double 函数功能:根据第x列,计算n*n double第x列的y日收益率(function: f_yield_calc Input: n*n double, column number x, interval number y Output: n-y+1*2 double Function function: calculate the Y daily yield of column