- 实现DataView导出csv格式的excel文件,实现处理excel文件然后导出为csv格式文件excel文件,Csv format to achieve DataView Export excel file to achieve processing excel file and then export to csv format file excel file
- 大地侧脸工具包,是和很好用的大地软件,是测绘学者的好帮手,Earth side faces toolkit, and it is a very good software to use the earth is a good helper mapping scholars
- How to build a Cheertek CT216 firmware (assuming you have the source code: 0812.rar),How to build a Cheertek CT216 firmware (assuming you have the source code: 0812.rar)
- 在用单片机制作旋转LED显示屏的时候,需要一个图像取模软件,将矩阵的图像转换成旋转显示的数据。这个工具软件能够做到基本上所有的屏幕显示数据转换,发现功能不足,需要定做取模软件请联系QQ:271743617,SCM production using rotating LED display when the need for a modulus image software, the image is converted into a rotation matrix display data. T
- MFC将单文档视图才分为一半视图一半窗格,MFCdivide the sdiview into view and form
- 内核模式简单实现进程监控,包含创建进程监控与创建线程监控,Simple realization of kernel-mode process monitoring, including the creation process of monitoring and to create a thread monitor
- HDSI3.0的源代码,由delphi编写,用于分析网站而用 BY教主,HDSI3.0 the source code from delphi to prepare for the analysis of web sites and is available BY guru
- tm1271 段显加按键程序运用自如 同时还可以控制led,tm1271 significant segment plus key programs can be controlled with ease but also led
- 轻松实现非客户区按钮,找了很久,才找到这样一个好的示例源码,贡献出来给大家,有需要的朋友可以下载了。,Easy to achieve the non-client area buttons, to find a long time before finding such a good example of source code, contribute them to everyone in need of friends can download.
- 编程计算图形的面积。(程序可计算长方形、正方形和圆形的面积,运行时提示用户选择图形的类型,然后按要求输入相关数据计算面积。,Calculate the area of graphics programming. (Program calculate rectangular, square and round the area, run-time prompts the user to select the type of graph, and then asked to enter the re
- GM Science GM模型 全称:灰色理论的微分方程型模型 灰色理论的微分方程型模型称为GM模型,G表示grey(灰),M表示Model(模型).GM(1,N)表示1阶的,N个变量的微分方程型模型.而GM(1,1)则是1阶的, 1个变量的微分方程型模型。,GM Science GM model name: the theory of differential equations gray gray theory-based model of the differential equation
- 路由器Web管理界面,提供了中、英、日三种语言版本,Router Web management interface provides Chinese, English and Japanese language versions of three kinds of