- 从Txt文档读入数据,自动生成TIN,在插值生成等值线,Txt document read from the data, automatically generated TIN, generated in the interpolation isogram
- diffserv协议在NS2中的源码,是定向扩散协议的一种改进。,DiffServ protocol in NS2 the source, is the proliferation of agreements directed an improvement.
- 这是一个工业编程控件,可以实现工业监控界面,就像LAbview界面一样,This is a program of industrial controls, industrial monitoring interface can be achieved, just like Labview interface
study GDI Plus Less Finicky About Fo GDI+文字字体设置
- GDI+学习四:GDI+文字字体设置GDIPlusLessFinickyAboutFonts,GDI+ Study IV: GDI+ Text font settings GDIPlusLessFinickyAboutFonts
- 绝对经典的蓝牙开发工具软件,自带软件包。,Absolute classic Bluetooth development tools, software, comes with the package.
WhiteBoard_vb.net.电子白板 解压后 有VB源码 VC++源码 Delphi源码 带有网络通信
- 电子白板 解压后 有VB源码 VC++源码 Delphi源码 带有网络通信,Whiteboard VB source code after decompress VC++ Source Delphi source code with a network communication
- 这是一个关于多重分形的函数,效果与众不同,This is a study on multi-fractal function of the effect of different
ColorTreeCtrl_demo.VC 可以设置每一个ITEM的字体和颜色的TreeCtrl
- VC 可以设置每一个ITEM的字体和颜色的TreeCtrl,VC can be set for each ITEM fonts and colors TreeCtrl
- 编写C++程序完成以下功能: 定义一个Point类,其属性包括点的坐标,提供计算两点之间距离的方法 定义一个矩形类,其属性包括左上角和右下角两个点,提供计算面积的方法 创建一个矩形对象,提示用户输入矩形左上角和右下角的坐标 观察矩形对象以及Point类成员的构造函数与析购函数计算其面积,并输出 ,The preparation of C++ Process is complete the following functions: the definition of
- 停用词表,可以和词表结合用于分词,适用于任何开发环境。,Stop word table, and vocabulary can be combined for sub-word applies to any development environment.
JM.JM8.6 VC界面下的视频标准编码和解码程序
- JM8.6 VC界面下的视频标准编码和解码程序,适合要求不要的视频编辑,JM8.6 VC video interface standard encoding and decoding process, not suitable for the requirements of video editing
- 这是IBM thinkpad风扇控制软件tpfancontrol v020版,根据CPU等的温度来控制风扇转速,以确保风扇的寿命。主要调用了WINIO模块实现对底层的控制,This is IBM thinkpad fan control software tpfancontrol v020 version, according to CPU temperature, etc. to control the fan speed to ensure that the fan life. Call t