- 功能强大的CIniFile类。可以修改、读取变量的值。也可以加入新的变量新的组。-powerful CIniFile category. Could be amended to read variable values. Can also add a new variable to the new group.
实例4 彩色列表框
- 通过实现ListCellRenderer借口,实现一个色彩选择列表框,对列表中的每一项,以彩色文字表示其RGB色彩值。-realizing a listbox of color choice through interface of ListCellRenderer and expressing the value of RGB color with word of color toward every option of list.
实例3 控件的相互控制与消息传递
- 一个简单的聊天程序界面,说明在java程序设计中各个组件之间如何相互传递消息并相互控制。-This is a interface of a chating application.with this example,we ll illustrate how Inter-control & Message transmit in components works.
实例2 控件的排布示例
- 通过组合使用布局管理器设计出简洁实用的用户界面-Design simple and useful user interface by combination use of layout manager.
实例1 产生自己的控件
- 通过继承下拉框JComboBox来满足应用程序的特定需要,并在此基础上实现其他一些功能-through inheritance drop-down box JComboBox applications to meet the specific needs and, in this on the basis of other features
- 外国高手用vb编写的游戏源代码 很精美 无论在声音图像上都是很专业的 适合对vb比较精通人学习-It is a foreign skill programmer s game code using VB, very fine. For both the sound and graph is professional, it is very useful for the advanced learner.
- 这是我自己学习编写的代码集合 里面有老师讲的 自己改写的 都是一些简单的代码 但是每个代码都写了 很详细的注释 你不用看帮助文件就可以理解-This the collection of my code for learning, including the teacher s code and modified by me. All of them are very simple, but including notation in detail. You can read it without
- 可以打开一个bmp位图并进行各种图像处理和图像变换操作,功能强大-bmp can open a bitmap and various image processing and image transform operation, powerful
- 一个实现远程屏幕监视的程序,*的一部分功能.包括源代码和程序.-a remote screen monitor, Trojan horses part of the function. Including source code and procedures.
- 这是一个VB的office2003风格的界面控件-This is a VB office2003 style interface controls
- 对文件进行批命名的程序 在VC。NET、XP系统下编译通过-the documents approved the naming process in the VC.NET and XP systems through compiler
- 此程序在VC,NET下编译通过 用于自动对图片进行调整颜色-this procedure in VC, NET compiler for the automatic right through adjust color photos