s DMaze new
- Direct 3D编写的图像引擎迷宫程序。需要首先安装Direct X 9.0-Direct 3D graphics engine prepared by the Maze procedure. You first need to install Direct X 9.0
- VC开发的一款屏幕图像捕捉程序,支持全屏幕、指定区域、窗口的捕捉 -development of the new VC screen image capture process, support full-screen, the designated area, the window capture
《Visual C++ 6.0程序设计实训教程》源代码
- visual c++程序设计实训教程对应的源代码,vc学习的好资料-visual programming Practical Guide to the corresponding source code, vc learning good information
- visual c++ 通用控件相关设计资料,pdf文件,-visual c GM controls relevant design information, pdf documents,
- 此程式為[開發DirectShow 應用程式之 BCB 環境設定]文章所使用之範例-this formula [DirectShow application development formula BCB settings] article are examples of use that
- 在activex容器中如何选择和激活对象,如何管理嵌入对象的大小和位置,如何实现对对象的保存等功能。-in containers how to choose and activate objects, how to manage the embedded object to the size and location, how to achieve the object of preservation capabilities.
- 制作图形应用程序外观,模仿mediaplayer的外观设计-graphics production applications appearance, imitating designs MediaPlayer
Color transfer陽春版
- 來源影像套用目標影像的特徵使的來源影像變成具備目標影像特色的影像-imaging characteristics of the target image so the source image has become the target video imaging characteristics
- 获取文件属性(大小、创建时间、修改时间、访问时间等)-access to file attributes (size, creation time, the modification time, the time for the visit)
- 实现抽屉效果,类似于qq的界面,右击头像可以弹出快捷菜单修改属性,单击其他标签可以在各组之间切换-drawer achieve results similar to the qq interface, right-click pop-up portrait can quickly change attributes menu, click the other labels in the group can switch between
- InterBase60--borland经典的数据库管理系统的源码,想学习底层数据库原理的绝对值得看看呀!--不经典不上传,强烈推荐!-InterBase60 -- borland classic database management system source code, the underlying database want to learn the tenets definitely worth a look at! -- Not classic not upload, strongl
- 注册表及系统,充分说明了注册表各项操作 和键值的作用,是你如何用注册表来完善你的机器-registry and systems, fully illustrated the various registry keys to the operation and effect of how you use the registry to improve your machine