- 10个简单的VB控件实例,分别是1计算器2整除数3验证窗口4控制按钮5复选单选6滚动条-10 VB Control simple example is a calculator 2 3 certification number divisible window control buttons 4 5 6 election Minute menu scroll and so on.
- 网络电话例程,可以连接本机做测试!-telephone network routines, can be connected to the testing machine!
- MulticastChat:一个多播的聊天程序,运行多个实例,然后加入同一个组即可聊天。-MulticastChat : a multicast chat, the running of a number of examples, then joined a group can chat.
- Download:网页下载工具 用来通过HTTP协议下载的程序,支持断点续传和多线程下载。 注意,该程序一次只能下载一个任务,那个列表虽然可以拉很多进去,不过是摆设。-Download : website tools to the adoption of the HTTP protocol to download procedures, support HTTP download and multithreading. Note that this procedure can only be d
- HTTPClient: 该程序完全是为了演示HTTP的客户编写的,因此运行时必须在本机有开HTTP服务才行。 HTTPSvr: 这是微软提供的HTTP服务器例程,使用时需要在建一个 C:\\webpages\\的目录。你把该目录下的webpages拷到C:就好了。 下面是原来的readme-HTTPClient : The procedure is to demonstrate the preparation of HTTP clients, and therefore must be run
- CTelnet:该程序是telnet的Client,实现比较简陋。登录到任何bbs做测试。-CTelnet : The procedure is a telnet client to achieve humble. Log on to a bulletin board do any testing.
- 网络编程 实例 对于新接触网络编成的 朋友应该是一个不错的例子。有扩展性!-network programming examples for the new network into contact with friends is a good example. Scalability is!
- 该实例用以获得系统安装的各协议栈信息,并通过树形控件直观的显示出来-example for the installation of the system on the protocol stack information, and through tree controls intuitive displayed
- 此压缩文件夹包含22本c++方面的著作,如面向对象程序设计理论,算法,网络编程等等。十一部不可多得的c++经典合集,绝对超值,但对阅读者的英文要求较高。-this compressed folder contains 22 c++ books, for example: OO design theories, algorithms, network programing. It s a good colection of classic c++ books. Very worthy, but a
visual c++.net应用编程150例
- 本书主要是为具有一定Visual C++应用基础的读者编写的,全书通过150个实例,全面、深入地介绍了利用Visual C++ 6.0开发应用程序的常用方法和技巧。全书共分为6章,主要讲解了Visual C++.net中界面效果、图形图像处理、文件与系统功能控制、控件应用与MFC编程、数据库开发等内容。这些实例简单实用、典型性强、功能突出,很多实例使用的技术可以解决一类问题,读者在掌握实例中的技术或技巧后,使用这些技术可以试着实现更复杂的功能、应用到更多方面。-the book is certa
Visual C++ 6 轻松进阶
- <>适于本很好的介绍c++ 6.0的书,适合有一定的编程基础的人阅读-<6 Lightsson> <Visual C> suitable for the very good presentation c 6.0, the book suitable for a certain programming based on the reading
- C++buidler5编程实例与技巧这本书大不分都只有前8章,就是本站也是所以就传了这个有25章的上了,全了共32M-buidler5 C + + programming examples and techniques for this book are all great Only the first eight chapters, there is also on site-25 of this chapter on the whole a total of 32M