- CXPButton是一个XP风格的按钮类,外观非常好看,能给你耳目一新的感觉。
- 符合ITU G.722协议,实现G722信源译码
- Have you noticed the cool ghost image that Windows Explorer produces when you start dragging files/folders from it? Well, I wanted to implement this in a C# project when dragging files between it and Windows Explorer. After a lot of Googling, I found
- This article describes an easy to use, drop-in MFC class which replaces the standard title bar.
- The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to create a PDF writer by using Virtual Printer Method, which gives your applications an ability to generate PDF file through simply \"printing\". I am pretty sure there are many PDF writers using
- I suppose you know what a MRU cache is, otherwise you wouldn t been reading this. This is an implementation of a very simple one using only STL. To implement a cache, derive a subclass from this template class. As an implementor, you d have
- mfc源码 :简单局域网聊天程序,vc 6。0
- Any cs. student a ny average university will at some point be faced with design patterns (dp for the rest of the article). Dp s are generic principles or best practices from software development. This article is not an introduction to dp s, since oth
- This program is a Number to Text converter. which can convert a given number (range from one to hundred of vigintillion(10^63) ) to the text that people use to pronouce the number. Feel free to use this code and please give feedback to me. Righ
- In some cases you need to display the callstack of the current thread or your are just interested in the callstack of other threads / processes. Therefore I wrote this project. The goal for this project was the following: Simple interface t
- 在 VMware (虚拟机)上运行的 Windows CE
- 简体繁体字转换,使用aspnet 非常难的