- 张孝祥、袁龙友两位老师依据张孝祥的vc++讲课记录整理,由于时间关系,仅仅是写成了草稿.本书稿允许随意传播,欢迎各网站提供本资料的下载-Zhang Xiaoxiang, et al Friends Zhang Xiaoxiang two teachers based on the lectures vc documented, because of the time, only a written draft. the manuscr ipt allowed to circulate freel
- 一个很难计算的题目,一般人是算不出来的,不信试试看-a hard subject, the average person is not counting out the letter does not try
- WTL之父Nenad Stefanovic撰写的wtl教程, 原名叫WTL Makes UI Programming a Joy, 分两部分,配有源代码,Part 2: The Bells and Whistles-WTL father Nenad Stefanovic written by the Windows Template Library Directory formerly known as WTL Makes a UI Programming Joy, in two par
- WTL之父Nenad Stefanovic撰写的wtl教程, 原名叫WTL Makes UI Programming a Joy, 分两部分,配有源代码,Part 1: The Basics-WTL father Nenad Stefanovic written by the Windows Template Library Directory formerly known as WTL Makes a UI Programming Joy, in two parts, service
- 利用shell搜索指定目录后替换文件中子符串的例子,没有更改属性代码,读者可自行添加-use search directory designated replacement document after neutron Series website example, no changes to attribute code, readers may add their own.
- There are two files in the zip folder. bpsk_spread.m and jakesmodel.m Steps for simulation: 1] Run jakesmodel.m first 2] Then run bpsk_spread.m . 3] Note that during the first run bpsk_spread.m has no rayleigh fading.This is because the corre
- RSA.EXE文件注册机C编写源程序简单明了-RSA.EXE document prepared Fillmore C source code simplicity
- ASP高级网 t=0:0.0000002:0.0006 % ts=0.2ms 每周期1000点 x1=sin(5000*2*pi.*t) % 生成5KHz的正弦波 b=fir1(9,0.01,hanning(10)) % 采样频率是100KHz,截止频率为500Hz的9阶汉宁窗生成b系数。 freqz(b,1,512,100000) y=filter(b,1,x1) % 对5KHz正弦波用9阶汉宁窗进行滤波 plot(t,x1,t,y) 仿真结果未见到y被衰减的滤波效
- 本人制作的包括编辑框控件,Static控件,按钮等以及用文件存储,提取一般数据的内容,里面很简单,主要用于一次性打开多个程序! ----曾昌盛(t007)-production, including editing control box, Static Control, buttons, etc. as well as document storage, data from the general content, there is very simple. major open for
- 关于界面实现,基础控件等功能 请大家多多指教,-on the interface to achieve basic control functions such as exhibitions please, thank you
- Java2 实用教程(耿义祥著)的源码。-Java2 Practical Guide (Book Geng-yi xiang) source.
- 把word文件存储在数据库中,从数据库中读取文件信息-put word document stored in a database, read from the database file information