- CImageObject 这个类库可以处理BMP、GIF、PCX、TGA、JPG 等多种格式的图像文件,希望对大家有用-CImageObject the library can handle BMP, GIF, PCX, TGA, JPG format, such as multiple image files in the hope that it may be useful to
- 操作系统内核试验中ndsi的实现源码,学习操作系统试验的一定有用。-operating system kernel test ndsi the realization source, the study will test the operating system useful.
- 用 pic 18f252及 a d 模块实现24位精度的数模转换 -with pic 18f252 d and a module 24 accuracy of a few to-analog converter
- 使用各类图像文件的读写插件来对各种图像文件进行读写。-use various types of image files to read and write plug-ins for various image file and write.
- intel82559的以太网驱动,可以用于linux或者嵌入式设计开发-intel82559 Ethernet driver that can be used in design or embedded Linux development
- PowerPC555的以太网驱动,可以用于linux或者嵌入式设计开发-PC555 Ethernet driver that can be used in design or embedded Linux development
- 给定一棵树的前序\\中序,构造出该树,并打印出树的后序 //例如,前序:a b d e h i c g 中序:d b h e i a c g-given a tree before the sequence \\ sequence were constructed out of the tree, and print out the following sequence tree / / For example, the former sequence : a, b d e g h i c
- 根据cdm.txt文件中给出的数据构造一颗二叉树。每行第一个数是节点,第二、三是左右子树。-cdm.txt According to the document presented a binary tree data structure. Each trip is the first node number, the second and the third is about subtrees.
- 关于寻找子集的两个程序。一个是4字符串集合找子集,一个是100字符串。-regarding the search for the subset of the two procedures. A string of four pools for subset, a string of 100.
- 根据map.txt的信息遍历一张地图。入口在第一行,0表示不通,1表示通,最后输出路径和出口。-under map.txt information traverse a map. Imports in the first line, 0 indicates the passageway, a Qualcomm said that the final output path and exports.
- 一个cad2004的批量打印程序,能识别块-a cad2004 the volume printing process can identify pieces
- 使用DShow同时进行视频预览和捕捉,欢迎大家使用并提出意见174462510-DShow also use video preview and capture, Everyone is welcome to use it and submit its views 174462510