- 一个电了词典,在里面可以查找到你所要的词 而且还可以自已加入更多的词-one -- the dictionary, you can try to be your word, but can also include more of their own words
- 去传世私服网 ASP www.qwoool.com-to warehouses 1,500,000 net ASP www.qwoool.com
- 给定N个大小不等的圆C1,C2,…,现将这N个圆排进一个矩形框中,且要求个圆与矩形框的底边相切。圆排列问题要求从N个圆的所有排-given N ranging from the size of the circle C1, C2, ..., N now it is discharged into a round rectangular box, demanding 000 yen rectangular box with the bottom tangent. Yuan with the pro
- 给定N个大小不等的圆C1,C2,…,现将这N个圆排进一个矩形框中,且要求个圆与矩形框的底边相切。圆排列问题要求从N个圆的所有排-given N ranging from the size of the circle C1, C2, ..., N now it is discharged into a round rectangular box, demanding 000 yen rectangular box with the bottom tangent. Yuan with the pro
- 给定N个大小不等的圆C1,C2,…,现将这N个圆排进一个矩形框中,且要求个圆与矩形框的底边相切。圆排列问题要求从N个圆的所有排-given N ranging from the size of the circle C1, C2, ..., N now it is discharged into a round rectangular box, demanding 000 yen rectangular box with the bottom tangent. Yuan with the pro
- 给定无向量图G顶点和m种不同的颜色。用这些颜色为图G的各顶点着色,每个顶点着一种颜色。是否有一种着色法使G图中每条边的两个顶点着不同的颜色。这个问题是图的m可着色判定问题给定无向量图G顶点和m种不同的颜色。用这些颜色为图G的各顶点着色,每个顶点着一种颜色。是否有一种着色法使G图中每条边的两个顶点着不同的颜色。这个问题是图的m可着色判定问题-given no vector graph G vertices and m different colors. Using these color grap
- 定义一个类,调用构造函数,递归函数,输出函数-definition of a category, called Constructors, recursive function, output function
- 模拟银行系统银行模拟 系统银行模拟 系统-banks banking system simulation modeling simulation banking system sim ulation system banks banks simulation system simulation system banks
- 在 n 行 n 列的国际象棋棋盘上,最多可布n个皇后。 若两个皇后位于同一行、同一列、同一对角线上,则称为它们为互相攻击。 n皇后问题是指找到这 n 个皇后的互不攻击的布局。 n 行 n 列的棋盘上,主次对角线各有2n-1条。-n n trip out of the international chess board, the maximum n Queen's cloth. If two at the same Queen's visit, the same s
- 此软件为本人自编的一个自动关机软件,你可以任意设定关机时间,或者可以设置倒计时关机时间。-software for himself in a self automatic shutdown software, you can set arbitrary shutdown time, or you can set the countdown shutdown time.
- 基于44B0 arm7的USB HOST驱动程序源代码,采用的是SL811 USB芯片。-44B0 ARM7 based on the USB HOST driver source code, using the SL811 USB chip.
- 一个从Cmenu派生的菜单类,提供了直接使用资源里的工具栏位图的途径.-Cmenu derived from a menu of categories for the use of resources directly's toolbar bitmaps channel.