- 通过设置发送并接收消息:可以设置端口,波特率,奇偶校验等参数.用TCP/IP实现客户/服务器模式.-send and receive news : you can set ports, baud rate, parity and other parameters. Using TCP / IP client / server model.
- 采用WIN32和DDK实现的W2000的线程池机制.可以预先创建多个线程,维护由系统自动完成.-use WIN32 and DDK the W2000 to achieve the thread pool mechanism. Advance create multiple threads, preserving completed by the system automatically.
- 功能强大的热点连接,能够跳转到发送邮件和访问Internet资源.-powerful hot link to Jump to send e-mail and access Internet resources.
- 就是个屏幕保护程序基类,希望对大家能够有所帮助.-screens is the base class protection program, we hope to be able to help.
- windows核心编程的代码,没有用MFC,完全采用WIN32和DDK开发,在WIN2000下运行.统计进程的状态和堆栈.-windows core programming code without using MFC, completely WIN32 and DDK Development, running in Windows 2000. Statistical process and the state stack.
- 学生成绩管理系统,输入输出,分数统计计算等基本功能.-student performance management systems, input and output, scores of statistical computing basic functions.
算 法 设 计 题 集
- ACM中常用的算法思想与常用算法,是本人自己精心收集的,其中含清华ACM训练时候的笔迹,对ACM的人员是极佳的参考资料-ACM commonly used algorithm commonly used algorithms and thinking, is my own collection of carefully, with Tsinghua ACM training when the handwriting on the staff ACM is an excellent referen
- 本程序是对经典的旅行商问题的一种解法,是学习数据结构算法的极佳材料,c语言编写-the procedures of the classic traveling salesman problem a solution is learning algorithm data structure of excellent material, language c
- 值得收藏的一些ASP代码.rar 值得收藏的一些ASP代码.rar -copies of the some ASP code. Rar co pies of the some ASP code. Rar co pies of the some ASP code. Rar copies of the some ASP code. Rar
- 用C语言写的YABasic解释器,可以在Linux/windows等多个平台上运行-C YABasic written language interpreter, the Linux / windows etc. running on multiple platforms
- 编译原理(Flex):生成词法和语法分析程序的源代码的程序。-Compiler Principle (Flex) : Generation morphology and syntax analysis of a program's source code procedures.
- 这是一个Gif解码非常适用的源程序,另外附有标准的gif说明文档-This is a very applicable Gif decoding of the source and another with standard gif documentation